Lower Floor

Course 6


Location: Lower floor of castle, from the front of the Fire Picture, take a

right and go through the door with the star on it. (Pool of metallic liquid)

Description: Level with huge rolling boulders, a blue water creature, green

radioactive fog, and a 4-way moving platform in the air.

Star 1: On the middle of the island where the blue water creature is. (run up onto the creature's head, and steer him)

Star 2: Get all 8 red coins.

Star 3: When you take the elevator down to the blue water creature area, get the green ! block... then quickly run to the flat ! switch under the water... this will open the metal bars guarding the door in front of you... go in the door... the star is across a chasm.

Star 4: Just before you drop down into the radioactive green fog area, there is a map on the wall... Look at the map. The DOWN arrow is where you will start... the UP arrow is where you can get out... the 3 blue circles are ledges that you can double jump and catch on... jump up to the one corresponding to the second blue circle from left... there is a door there, it will take you up to the star.

Star 5: Same as star 4 except use the blue circle on the far left. (you need to jump and travel across the grating to get the star, or just yahoo-jump over to it) (There is no door on the ledge corresponding to the blue circle

on the right) (An alternative method to find these ledges is to hit the blue

star box in the ground and follow the blue coins)

Star 6: Stand under the place where the giant boulders fall down... look up

and towards the door. The star is on the ledge. (You can use the jump-off-

the-wall technique to get there)

Star 7: Get 100 Coins.

Course 7


Location: Lower floor of castle. (Picture of fire)

Description: Fire level with a volcano in the center.

Star 1: Knock the large bomb monster into the lava. (The best way to do this is to stand on the edge and let him run towards you... when he gets close, do a butt-slam... he will run under you and you should knock him into the fire)

Star 2: There is an island all the way across the level with 3 small bomb monsters on it... knock them all into the lava... A big bomb monster will appear... knock him in for the star.

Star 3: Get all 8 red coins.

Star 4: In one corner of the level, there is grating... make your way over to it and use the spinning log to get on the island against the grate... the star is there.

Star 5: Jump into the volcano in the center of the level. Make your way to the top by running and jumping along the side. The star is at the top.

Star 6: Jump into the volcano in the center of the level. Jump onto the moving platform... keep climbing to the top.

Star 7: Get 100 Coins.

Course 8


Location: Lower floor of castle, from the front of the Fire Picture, take a

left and go down the hall till you reach a dead end... (Wall at the dead end)

Description: Sandy level with large pyramid in the center.

Star 1: Smack the vulture flying near the pool of water outside the pyramid.

Star 2: In a crevice on the outside of the pyramid near the top. (You can use the wings from the red ! block to get it or you can just climb up)

Star 3: Inside the pyramid, all the way at the top.

Star 4: Inside the pyramid, there is a red building in the center of the floor. Get on top of the building and jump so that you catch your hands on the hole in it. Climb in and beat the 2-fists boss. (Punch the eyes when they open) OR: Outside the pyramid, climb up each of the 4 posts that you can walk up. Make sure that you touch the top of each one. After you touch all 4, the top of the pyramid will open up. Fly into it, and a cage will bring you down to the red building in the center of the floor. Climb in and beat the 2-fists boss.

Star 5: Get all 8 red coins.

Star 6: Get the 5 special gold coins inside the pyramid. (2 of them are on the moving sand bridge, the other 3 are in the center of small square platforms up higher than the sand bridge)

Star 7: Get 100 Coins.

Course 9


Location: Lower floor of castle, go in the large star door, (Wall of water)

Description: Water level with the big whirlpool at the bottom where you start

and a submarine.

Star 1: On the top of the submarine.

Star 2: Swim all the way down when you start the level. There are 4 chests... Open them in this order: If you are at the tunnel looking at the whirlpool:Chest on the left, chest on the right, chest in the back, and chest in the front. (the one closest to the whirlpool)

Star 3: Get all 8 red coins.

Star 4: The bubbles on the ground in the room with the submarine will send up rings of water... swim down through 5 in a row. The star will appear on the ground in the bubbles. (You can use the green ! block to get the star)

Star 5: The manta ray will leave rings of water behind him... swim through 5 in a row.

Star 6: In the red gate in the water. You need to get the blue ! box, then

get the green ! box, then get the star.

Star 7: Get 100 Coins.

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