Shadows of the Empire

How to get Challenge Points

I know your asking yourself why you need the challenge points. Challenge points can give you a lot of amazing stuff. Here is a list of what you can get if you can collect all those 87 challenge points.

Easy-Lebo Scaner

Medium- You can pilot a




a Tie Fighter


Hard- Weapons and Invincibility

Jedi- A heard of Whampas (Isn't that just perfect.)

You Also must beat the game to obtain these items. When you go to the game pause it. You'll see a game secret menu when you collect all the challenge points, and beating the game also. In the menu you'll see the codes that will give you the stuff. You can use the codes on the files that you beat.

O.K. let's get started. Don't think I'm going to start with the long, long, time ago in a far away galaxy.

Battle of Hoth

Just tie up the AT-AT walkers. (Those are the four-legged ones.)

Escape from Echo Base

Take note that the challenge points and these stages are the alliance emblems that are white. The reds give you 1-ups.

#1. Take the first hall to your right. (The hall where the snowtroopers come out of where the Millennium Falcon goes out.) Open the hatch to the right of a red pole

#2 In the corridor beyond, blast through four containers to reveal a secret room. Whatch out all levels except easy for this one. I found a whampa in the room in medium.

#3. At the bridge, leap to a small ledge to your right.

#4. Cross the bridge and go through the short cave. Go to the right.

#5. At the start of the second stage, jump up and look behind the right generator.

#6. From #5, get back onto the catwalk and go straight ahead. Jump across the gap.

#7. At the second pair of generators, face right and jump over the rail to a ledge.

#8. From #7 go back the way you came and jump across the gap to the left generator.

#9. When the ground cracks open, a point will appear on the left side of the gap.

#10. In the corridor past the AT-ST, look for a hidden room behind some containers.

The Asteroid Field

In this stage shoot the red asteroids. There are six of them around.

Ord Mantell Junkyard

In my opinion, this is the hardest stage to get challenge points since you are on a hover train.

#1.The first point appears in midair, right at the start of the stage.

#2.The second point is above the left side of the first barrier.

#3.The third point point is above the right side of the fifth barrier.

#4. Look inside the first train car with walls. (It's a jump to the left track.)

#5. This point appears in midair, after the left track drops into toxic waste.

#6. When the tracks merge, jump to the next train. Look in the last car in line.

#7. From #6, jump to the next car, go up the stairs and around to the back.

#8. From #7, jump to the next car. Look above the low wall.

#9. On the second-to-last train, look on the right side of the lead car.

#10. In the battle with IG-88, jump up on the pile of junk on the left. (You can easily see it.)

#11. From #10 jump onto the catwalk and go to the right to the first smelter.

#12. Go out the exit hatch and go to the right. Run up and into the second smelter.

Gall Spaceport

Take note to conserve fuel in your jet pack to get some of the challenge points.

#1. Exit the Outrider and go to the right. Jump up the rocks to get on top of the ship.

#2. After the first wampa, (Wow! They do not appear only in the planet of Hoth.) look for a slim rock tower at the end of a narrow path.

#3. Inside the base, look for a point in midair. You'll need to get the jet pack first.

#4. After you get the jet pack, fly up to the top pf the tower you found it on.

#5. From #4, fly out to the first rock tower. Look diagonally up and to the right.

#6. Before the first anti-grav ferry, jet down the cliff to a small room.

#7. From #6, jet up the cliff and then to the cave mouth. Fly up and left to a ledge.

#8. When the ferry docks, fly across the chasm. Fly foward and slightly to the left.

#9. After you defeat the AT-ST, look around the column, up near the switches.

#10. Enter the air shafts. Fly between the fan blades in the first vertical shaft.

#11. When you reach the large, round chamber, look up and left from the enterance.

#12. On the second ferry ride, a point will appear after the second probe droid.

#13. look high above the shuttle that's parked in the second landing bay.

#14. When you meet Boba Fett, run to the gap in the left and jet down the tower.

#15. From #14, go around to the other side of the tower. Jet down the cliff to a platform.

Mos Eisley and Beggars Canyon

Take note to take out the bikers first, and then go for the challenge points. The level ends when you reach Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi's place.

#1. Jump diagonally right off the first ramp onto the roof of a low building.

#2. In the plaza just past the first ramp, look on the left side of the crashed ship.

#3. Jump diagonally right off the second ra,p onto the roof of a low building.

#4. From #3, jump across the street to the awning and then to the point.

#5. From #4, follow the main path and turn right at the building with the black stripe.

#6. Follow the black stripe back around the front of the building to another alley.

#7. Go back to the street. Turn left into a small alley just before the next big plaza.

#8. Look for another building with a black stripe and follow the alley around it.

#9. Keep going until you exit town. Follow the outside wall around the left. (The challenge point looks like a bunny rabbit. If you now a lot about LucasArts.This is known as Max the razor tooth rabbit.)

#10. Make a high jump above the first sarlacc. (The pit monster.) This is one of the hard challenge points to get above the pit monsters. Because if you miss it you're lunch for the sarlacc.

#11. Make a high jump above the second sarlacc.

#12. Take a side path and jump over the second stone bridge in the desert.

Imperial Freighter Suprosa

#1. Go to the first door and turn left. Walk to the back corner of the platform.

#2. Turn right after the first maze of rooms and blast the tripod-mounted laser.

#3. Search the back left corner behind the first set of revolving doors.

#4. Jump on the low wall after the set of revolving doors.

#5. On the next level down, jump on the machinery behind the revolving platform.

#6. From #5, jump or fly across the room to the next machine.

These challenge points are inside the doors. That you need to use switches to get the doors opened.

#7. In the cargo bay inside the four doors. The area that has the challenge point is in the second level that is by the bridge. You need to open the door.

#8. In the cargo bay inside the nine doors. The area that has the challenge point is in the second level that is in the middle door.

#9. Go up to the third level on your right and open the middle door. You should be facing the three doors.

#10. After you defeat the loader droid, look behind the super computer.

Sewers of Imperial City

#1. Look for a lighted alcove on the left, just before the spinning wheel.

#2. Follow the enterance to the first large pool room. Check underwater in the next chamber. Watch out for the dianogas.

#3. Follow the pipe out of the pool room. Check underwater in the next chamber. You need to open a secret door using some switches.

#4. Fly to the top of the next shaft (the one with many platforms) and follow the tunnel.

#5. From #4, backtrack to the shaft and drop down one step to another tunnel. Follow it to the next shaft. Drop all the way down to the bottom and follow the tunnel.

#6. Go through the security door and dive down to the far left corner.

#7. Swim through the long tunnel to the next chamber (The one with the revolving thing.) Look near the center post. It is up top.

#8. Follow the tunnel to the next room. Search underwater for a hole in the center post.

Xizor's Palace

#1. In the chamber at the end of the curved hall, hit a switch to open a secret room

#2. When the first elevator opens, fly up and hit the upper switch, then drop down.

#3. Jump off the second bridge and go to the far right corner. Fly up to a hidden room.

#4. At the end of stage two, hit the first switch, then fly up the elevator shaft.

#5. In the first set of gears, jump below the middle (second) gear.

#6. From #5, press the back wall to open it. Follow the path outside and fly up.

#7. In the next area, float down between the first and second gears.

#8. In the space elevator, (The place where you place the pulse bombs.) look for a hidden room on the first platform from the bottom. It looks like the wall where the first bridge opens.

#9. At the space elevator, there's a small hole in the central post, near the bottom.

#10. After you set the explosive, follow the exit tunnel to a large chamber. Fly up to the bridge and go left to a hidden room.

Skyhook Battle

There are no challenge points in this level. So just compleate the stage, and you get a game secret for that difficulty level.

Other Tips

Here are some other neat things, and tips I have for Shadows of the Empire.

Release The Wampas

In the Escape from Echo Base there are rooms with wampas in it. Use the switch in the room. This will release the wampas. Let one of the wampas knock out the other wampa. Then head for the door. Keep opening doors until the remaining wampa steps outside. Next, DASH! the wampa will take out anything in its path while it looks for you.

Seek and You Shall See.

Switch to seeker camera in the option menu when you have the game paused. Fire one of the seekers and you can scout the area that the seeker is fired in.

Weird Credit Yakavic

When you go to a blank file. When it asks for your name first put a space in the first space, and then type in Credits. The c must be capitalized, and start the game as usual. Then you can see the ending sequence, and the credits that you don't usually see if you pick your difficulty level in Jedi.

I wish to thank Nintendo Power Magazines for the tips in their magazines that I used to find these tips to be put on this page.


If you have any comments or questions about how I did this or how it could be better e-mail me at

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