Domino de Devastator's
Favorite Links!

Rebel Blockade Runner capture by Imperial Star Destroyer

Friends' Non-Star Wars sites
- Lady Galadriele's Castle
- Wonderful for original poetry
- Mindless Ramblings - Great for a good
- Alia's Empire - A groovy little
- Mr Cranky Rates the Movies -
Interested in just how awful that new summer "blockbuster" really is?
Cranky won't hold back his opinion
- Dumb Laws
- As the site itself says, "Big Government. Small Brains.
Dumb Laws."

Friends' Star Wars sites
- Big Fuzz's Home Page -
Some of the groovy pictures used on the BZ were found here.
- Star
Wars Journals - Star Wars fan fiction, roleplaying, and resources
can be found here.
- KD's Homepage - A site for Star Wars, horses, a John Williams experience,
and Monty Python. KD even has a message board
- Star Wars: Technical
Commentaries - Technical information about items found in the Star Wars

Other Star Wars sites
- Star Wars ( - The Official Star Wars Website
- The - Unofficial
source of Star Wars information. Often has more thorough information
than the official site, but is also a source of rumors that may or may not
be true.
- The Private
Universe - The UK's No.1 Star Wars news site.
- The Star Wars Galaxy
- Lots of pictures (among other downloadable items), a message board and, of
course, links to other Star Wars sites.
- Star Wars -
Another unofficial source site, but deals with information about existing
Star Wars things (no need for rumors about things that already
exists). is currently compiling an online SW dictionary
as well as a database of SW web sites. - A fair
amount of material for the RPG-minded.
- Wizards of the
Coast - Licensed by Lucasfilm to publish the Star Wars Role Playing
Game There are sure to be many wonderful sourcebooks with this new
version of the RPG.

Want your site listed here? Let me know!
E-Mail Me


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