Battle Zone Guidelines: Overview

This is a list of the original rules. These rules are essential to
participation on the BZ.
- Regarding the timeline of the Star Wars saga, the first battle of
the archives here at the Battle Zone is set to take place twenty years after
the battle of Endor (so the battle of Mechis III takes place 20 years after
Endor). Therefore, the timeframe is currently TWENTY-THREE years after the Battle of Endor to allow
for characters that were not presented in the novels. Likewise, many of the events in the
novels have not occurred in the story line of this role playing endeavor.
You will need
some specifics, so I strongly encourage you to read the Battle
Zone Time Line page, or e-mail me. My e-mail link is just a few rules down.
- It is imperative that EVERYONE participating keep in contact with me by
If you have problems with people having your home e-mail address, start a Hotmail account (it's free!) and get in touch with
me. No e-mail, no participation.
- What I intended for this site was for it to be a loosely structured way to role-play
and tell a story (we call it interactive storytelling). For this
reason, regular participation is compulsory to being an active
participant. More on this down below.
- In most cases, do not post "end-all-be-all" storyline endings. This is so that everyone can have a chance to react to what you have written.
Contact me if you have a viable idea to end a storyline.
- At no time should you post a strategy that details the killing of another
participant's character or characters, unless they wish to be killed off.
is a serious offense.
- Due to the wide range in ages of potential participants, I would ask that you refrain
from vulgar words and comments as much as possible. Conversing
like a drunken sailor is not a necessity of life, thus I do not wish to
contribute to anyone's extended vocabulary in that way.
- No "crossovers!" More on this down
- Try not to post contradictory entries. If someone states something, don't claim that
it is another way, unless they have told you personally.
- Contact people through e-mail. I can not even begin to tell you how advantageous it
is to conspire with the people you are working with.
- Contact me at my e-mail link.
If you
have some outrageous plans for the current battle I would like to tell you my opinion of
how it would work out best before you post some history changing entry.
I may have issues with what you have in mind based on continuity, which I am constantly
striving to preserve on the BZ. This will save on embarrassing "I didn't really do
this..." type postings.

The minimum requirements to be considered a regular and active participant
are as
- Brand new participants should
post at least six times in their first 8 weeks (and not all at once) just to
prove to me that they are serious. They will not depend on me or
anyone else to get them involved in a storyline, though they can certainly ask
for suggestions or see if they can jump into someone else's plot. If I get the
impression that a new participant is having difficulties getting involved, I
will make an effort to see if there is anything I can do. This style of RPing
(interactive storytelling) isn't actually for everyone, and some people can
become disillusioned. Hopefully we (the new participant and myself) can
determine whether or not the BZ was what the new participant thought it was
going to be. If that is the case, the new participant would leave the BZ
quietly at that time and their character would be forfeit.
- Established participants must
post no less than once every month. Even once a month is barely participating.
Failure to post (or failure to contact me to explain why a post isn't
forthcoming) will result in ejection from the list of active participants. Why
so strict? Well, why bother being a participant if you are not participating?
If a participant does not post for more than 30 days, they will receive a 48
hour warning. If, after that 48 hours they still have not posted AND contacted
me personally, their characters will be forfeit and they will be removed from
the Profiles page.
- When a character is
"forfeit," it means that the character may be killed, consumed by the Dark Side,
sold into slavery, turned into pudding, launched into the nearest sun, OR be
exalted into godhood by the mysterious Boltorpeks of Bantlarr

This rule needed a broader description from the original text. It is
much broader and will be strictly governed.
No element from any other story or genre should exist on the BZ.
No characters or weapons (among other things) from any TV shows,
movies, comics, books... If it doesn't have a Star Wars logo on it
somewhere, it shouldn't be in the game. If it does have a Star
Wars logo on it, I recommend you check with me first (and be patient in
waiting for an answer because I will want to discuss it with SCUD first).
This is the original "No Star Wars vs Star Trek" rule.
If a character seems to
be based on a character from a movie, TV show, book, or comic (etc...) I will
not let a person participate with that character. I like
originality. A lot. Make the characters your own. Be
inspired, not directed, by what you watch and read.
Dialects from this planet are fine (this includes writing dialogue to mimic an
accent). Cultural honorifics (such as
calling me "Domino-san" or calling a buddy "kimo-sabe")
are not. Words that would have no meaning in Star Wars (such as
ninja (which is a Japanese assassin), antediluvian (which
refers to a period of time before the flood of Noah), or Olympic (which
has ancient Greek origins) should not be used. They have
nothing to do with Star Wars. If you have a question about a term in
which you are not sure fits in the Star Wars universe, ask me; my vocabulary
is extensive.

The Help
It's hard to do everything and be everywhere all at once, so
I don't even bother to try. I tend to recruit help as needed.
Back-up Administrator
There is currently no Back-up Administrator.
The Back-up Administrator duties are:
- Maintain order, answer questions, and settle disputes in my absence.
- Stay up-to-date with the BZ so as to recommend point rewards at months end.
- Read submitted character profiles when I receive them (SCUD
shares this duty as well). I feel that this is a valuable task. It is more
thorough and efficient to have another person checking over these items.
One thing the Back-up Administrator will not be responsible for is the maintenance of the site
itself. If a profile hasn't been updated or something hasn't been done in a timely
manner, they won't have the answer. (That's my job)
BZ Formatter
I once suffered due to an insane lack of time and had appointed a
participant to administer the tasks involved with formatting the BZ.
In the event of any unforeseen calamity (a prison sentence, abduction by rabid monkeys, or some other prolonged
absence), that mantle of responsibility will once again fall upon the shoulders
of a hand-picked participant (and one I know to be capable of the formatting).
The duties of the BZ Formatter will be:
- Assist with site maintenance.
- Code profiles for newcomers.
- Add various new items ONLY AFTER they have received approval.
(NOTE: Just because a back-up formatter receives something doesn't mean it automatically
goes up. Everything must be approved by Domino.)
- The formatter will be entrusted with all of Domino's super secret lucky passwords!
Currently, I have an extensive amount of time on my
This means that I will be doing most of the formatting around here. I'll utilize
a formatter when I get swamped.
~ Secret Club Uv Decision ~
Because sometimes decisions require more than my mind to ponder, because
my offline Star Wars friends are not always available for me to consult, and because secret orders, clubs, and
organizations are what this fine country was founded on (huh?).......
In short, I don't make big decisions on the BZ without discussing things with
this crowd. This includes if a new player is interested and I'm uncertain about the
character, all the way down to if something doesn't look right to me and I want a second
opinion. The members of SCUD,
though not necessarily current BZ participants, were handpicked and invited by me to serve as both
soundboards for ideas as well as the "end all, be all" forum for decisions made
on the BZ. Ultimately, my word is law, but I won't give my word without hearing
their opinions.
Who is SCUD? I'm not tellin'!

Now that you have glanced at the bold-faced type on this page, it is time to
move on and start reading the real mechanical rules of the site. I wrote these
guidelines in standard American College Sophomore English, so if you have any questions
please contact me at the e-mail address above. I'm just kidding about the reading
level of my writing. I just wanted to scare a few people off.
Directly below this paragraph is a row of links that will take you directly to
the individual rules sections for the Battle Zone. These rules are more popularly
regarded as guidelines, as I don't like to act as judge unless I must. The
guidelines give each participant everything they should need to know whether something
they do is in accordance with the overall feel of the site.

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