Campbell is the MAN!
BUT WAIT, you might
be new to Bruce Campbell. And so, just who is this Bruce Campbell?
Well, here's some of the other places you might have seen him......
Bruce's most famous role is as ASH
in the Evil Dead trilogy.
For the low-down on those films, click

This scene should have been in "Army."
And here are some of the
other places you might have seen Bruce.
2002 - Charmed - He played Agent Jackman, a witch hunter in
the fourth season finale episode. Although Audra loves "Charmed,"
she has to admit that as long as they had someone like Bruce Campbell, they
could have made so much more of the character. Bruce was held down by the writing,
and killed off at the end of the episode. It was even grosser under-use of potential
than Mark McKinney on "Saturday Night Live."

2000 - Jack of All Trades - Another Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell/Josh
Becker collaboration. Bruce, as Jack, a Scarlet Pimpernel-type hero, gave
plenty of funny lines and delivered the same type of humour we would expect
from him on this show. Regrettably, it was cancelled after only one season.
"You are the GROSSEST pirate!!!!!"
1999 - X-Files - Bruce was on one episode, as a demon.
1997 - Timecop - A short lived TV show - I know he was named "Maddox".
1997 - Wierd Science - He was on one episode, as Gene the Genie.
Nice hat. |
1997 - Missing Links - A sitcom pilot which as far as I know didn't
air. Anyone know?
1996-1997 - Ellen - Bruce played Ellen's boss, Ed Billick, for a
little while on Ellen. I particularly remember an episode where he and Ellen
had a dispute over hanging a deer head in his office.
1996 - Homicide - It was a happy accident that we
stumbled upon this episode on Court TV recently. Bruce played Jake Rodzinsky,
a cop who goes after his father's murderer vigilante-style. Apparently he
really likes this concept. However, Jake was way more psycho than Brisco.
He even killed his own dog for barking too much, poor Bullet. |
1995 - 1999 - The Hercules and Xena shows
- Bruce plays Autolycus, the King of Thieves. He appeared on many episodes,
and many recognize Bruce because of this. I love the Hercules episode where
he does the Goody Two- Shoes dance, just like bad Ash. |
1995 - Lois And Clark and Amercian Gothic -
contributed these reviews of , the episodes in which Bruce starred:
LOIS AND CLARK (AKA - "The New Adventures of
Bruce appears in the last two episodes of the second season
and the first episode of the third season, each of which has its merits,
but the middle episode is relatively Bruce-free, (though there is some
action in the back of a limousine with a couple of hook- Heh, never mind).
He guest stars as Bill Church, Jr., head of criminal syndicate 'Intergang',
bent on nothing less than total world domination.
Rendering Superman utterly apathetic through the use of
Red Kryptonite, Junior arranges some very nasty enterprises to take place,
such as ordering the assassination of Lois Lane. Alas, the attempt fails....Shame.
These episodes would probably be quite good even bereft
of Bruceness (though, of course, in which twisted dimension would they
actually benefit from this casting calamity?), so it's perfectly acceptable
to hunt them down in video stores without the sunglasses and suspicious
"Individual Responsibility."
"Whine, Whine, Whine."
"We Have a Lot to Talk About."
Unfairly cancelled, American Gothic, for those of you
unfamiliar with the title, is set in a small U.S town dominated by the
supernaturally-empowered sheriff, Lucas Buck. As this show is produced
by Renaissance Pictures, Bruce Campbell was bound to appear in it at some
point; The exact point at which he appears is in the bug-infested episode
"Meet the Beetles".
Playing th character of State Trooper Lieutenant Drey,
Mr. Campbell has the opportunity of causing Buck some serious discomfort
as he gets friendly with the Sheriff's 'close personal friend' whilst
investigating the mysterious death of his sister's wayward husband.
If you ever wanted to know what a flensing room was, prepare
to find out in a fairly icky manner as, low and behold, Bruce's character
doesn't quite make it to the end of the episode intact. At least he lasts
longer in the UK version, due to American distaste over gore levels -
- xoshade
Happy, demonic - Is there no stopping me?
1993 - Brisco County Jr. - A cult favorite, Brisco debuted in 1993,
the same season as the X-Files. In fact, it was on right before it. Sadly, it
didn't get the ratings it deserved and was axed.
1989 - Generations - A soap opera. It sounds pretty bad.
Here's the MOVIES! This is the Bruce area I follow the
closest. I've given them ratings on the "Bruce-O-Meter"...4 Bruces
being the best, a movie with alot of Bruce, 3 Bruces being close but not
as good as the 4 stars (And I'm sorry that I only gave Evil Dead I 3 Bruces),
2 Bruces really being a cameo, probably, 1 Bruce being a really bad movie
that even he couldn't save! That's only happened in the case of two movies
(3 if you count Maniac Cop II) on to find them...
The Evil Dead Trilogy (These
3 are Bruce's most famous roles, you hopefully already clicked on the link a
ways back there and checked out my section on these!) :
The Evil Dead - 1979
3 on the
started his career, but he's just not as cool as the later Ash. Still essential
Bruce-viewing, even if only once. I'll probably take heat from the die-hard
Evil Dead fans here, but he's much cooler in the 2 sequels. |
Serving Sara - 2002

1 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Not even Bruce could
redeem this movie. |
Spiderman - 2002
2 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Even though Bruce only
makes a cameo appearance in this Sam Raimi blockbuster, he was played the
important role of the ring announcer who gives Spiderman his name. |
The Majestic - 2001
Undecided on the Bruce-O-Meter...Haven't seen
it yet |
Goldrush - 1998
3 on the Bruce-O-Meter...It's Disney, but don't
get turned off to it. Bruce is really in almost the whole movie. So you
don't have to sit through too many Bruce-less scenes! |
From Dusk Till Dawn II: Texas Blood Money - 1998

1 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Awful, awful, awful.
Bruce is in it for the first minute and is horribly killed by vampire
bats. Glad I didn't rent it.
Menno's Mind - 1997
2 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Bruce is only in this
for a good 10 minutes, but his mind gets downloaded into the brain of the
main character, Bill "No relation" Campbell. This movie is so
bad it's good. Well, it's good when Bruce is on. And you know what? Michael
Dorn can't deliver a line. |
The Love Bug - 1997
4 on the Bruce-O-Meter...It's got Bruce
in the whole movie, it's 60s-ish, and it's funny. A 4-star Bruce movie,
I'm glad it's out on tape now. Bruce plays Hank Cooper, the driver of
Herbie, the famous Love Bug. On a funny side note, two of the other characters
in this movie were in "The Mummy". The guy who played Bennie
is Bruce's friend, and the guy who played that annoying English guy plays
an even more annoying, and evil, Scottish guy.
Escape From L.A. - 1996
2 on the Bruce-O-Meter...It's not a bad movie,
just a case of Bruce having a short cameo. He's the freaky "Surgeon
General Of Beverly Hills" |
Tornado! - 1996
3 on the Bruce-O-Meter...I finally found a copy
of this one, and paid a whole 3.45 to rent it, hehe. It's a disaster flick
released on the heels of Twister in 1996, and also stars Ernie Hudson.
(Who's in just about every movie ever made.) It's not that bad of a movie,
but you do have to watch Bruce dance in a country music bar, which may
be painful for Ash fans! (Kidding, it's not that painful to watch.)
Congo - 1995
2 on the Bruce-O-Meter....He's not in it nearly
enough to make me like the movie; he gets killed right away. But he's in
it! |
The Hudsucker Proxy - 1994
2 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Well, Bruce is only in
it a few times, I found the rest of the movie a little boring. Bruce plays
Smitty, a reporter. He's good, but only in it maybe 10 minutes altogether.
Lunatics: A Love Story - 1991
3 on the Bruce-O-Meter...I saw it a couple of
years ago. Bruce plays Ray and the Deranged Surgeon. The last 3 video stores
I checked can't find me this one, I remember it being funny, though! |
WaxWorks II - 1991
3 on the Bruce-O-Meter....Audra likes this obscure
movie. She pulled it out and showed me Bruce's scenes. He was quite funny
in it! He's not in it for very long, but it's typical laugh-as-Bruce-is-tortured
stuff. |

[I love Waxworks II, and Bruce is in
the funniest part. He plays the ghost researcher in a
great parody of the old 1960s The Haunting. --Audra]
Moontrap - 1988
3 on the Bruce-O-Meter....Bruce gives a really
good performance in this surprisingly good evil-robots-from-the-moon flick
which also stars Walter Koenig. I especially love the coffee machine scene.
The only thing stopping me from giving it 4 stars is Bruce's unfortunate
death in the flick. Why didn't they kill off Walter Koenig's character???
So sad! :'( |

"We don't take no shit from a machine."
Maniac Cop I and II - 1988 and '89

1 on the Bruce-O-Meter....I saw the first movie,
and although Bruce's parts are cool, the movie is God-awful. Haven't seen
II. This movie just sucks sucks sucks. |
Sundown: Vampires In Retreat - 1989
4 on the Bruce-O-Meter...Bruce plays Robert Van
Helsing, meaning Bruce and I have both played Van Helsing's now! (I did
scenes from Dracula in my acting class.) And don't despair, those of you
tramautized by screen deaths of Bruce....he gets turned into a vampire,
but later gets turned BACK! He miraculously lives through the whole movie!

"Your Van Helsing rivals even mine, John.
And you blew Carradine's Dracula out of the water!"
Crimewave - 1985
Undecided on the Bruce-O-Meter...I saw it a long
time ago, I know Bruce plays "Renaldo The Heel", but I don't remember
nearly enough to rate it effectively. I'm waiting for Comedy Central to
re-run it. Once again, I can't find a tape. |
HAVEN'T SEEN, but can be found....
Darkman - 1990
Bruce is in the final shot. For like a few seconds. I think I'll watch
it next time it's on TV, can't believe I haven't seen it.
Going Back - 1983
I've heard it's Bruce's hardest movie to's a drama about
aging, I think. I'll find it!
Assault On Dome 4 - 1996 (?)
It was some sort of TV movie. He was the bad guy. I hadn't heard of
this movie until I saw pics of Bruce's page, I've heard it's been shown
on the Sci-Fi channel..anyone know if it's on tape?
The Demolitionist - 1996
Bruce is an uncredited bad guy in this flick which I heard stars Nicole
Eggert playing a Robocop-like chick. Sounds reaalllly bad, but I sat through
Maniac Cop, didn't I?
Bruce has done lots of voice overs for video games, like Broken
Helix, and he has lots of uncredited movie cameos (Like being on a TV in the
background of Fargo, a cut out scene from Quick And The Dead, etc), he did voice
over work on the movie The Dead Next Door, he produced a movie called Easy Wheels,
and he is in a couple of flicks that haven't been released yet - La Patinoire
("The Ice Rink", a french film...I want to see it because he plays
an actor playing a goalie, and I was a goalie in high school), Hatred Of A Minute
(Based on a Poe story), and Icebreaker. AND, the EVIL DEAD video game
for Dreamcast and Playstation II!!!!