This page is now, and ever shall be...

The past is often interesting as a source of knowledge, however

A story lacking dramatic action.

As mentioned, my name is Danny Kelly. I'm 22 years old and was born in Rochester; Victoria, Australia; on the fateful day of the 20th of May in 1977. I grew up in Swan Hill, on the Murray River, amidst legends of giant cod and dreams of rural paradise. My primary education took place at St. Mary's and lead to secondary schooling at MacKillop College. I have since moved from Swan Hill and taken up residence in Melbourne, living in a rather nice bachelor pad in Oakleigh with my brother Tim. I'm in the process of completing what has this year been renamed the 'Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology' at Deakin University, Melbourne campus. I realized not too long ago that I'm now at that uncomfortable stage where I've become specialized and my options are now a little less broad than the vast landscape of potentiality that lay before me when I was in high school - bummer. As I'm only studying part-time this year I've heaps of time on my hands - which suites me just fine, as brooding upon the meaning of life, the universe and everything is one of my favourite activities.
I derive some comfort from the fact that so far in my life, I've achieved the right to sign my name 'Mr. Daniel C. Kelly, BA Hons (Literary Studies)'. Wow. One day I might follow my brothers idea and write up all the subjects I've studied. God knows I've already put enough superfluous information about myself and my activities in these pages already. For example, The Musings of Dan. Every essay I've written while at university? What the hell is that all about?.
That's about all I really need say at this point, as most are probably ranting quietly to themselves "yeah yeah, just get to the good links, man, links!". For those people who just surf on in and then surf on out again, here are your precious links. Anyone who is familiar with me and feels that I've left alot out, like "Hey! He forgot to say what a sarcastic pain in the ass he is!" or "He forgot to mention that passionate and crazy obsession of his with the paranormal, ufology, spiritualism and all that freaky mumbo-jumbo!" or even "He forgot to mention how he likes to write!". In case you feel this is you, send me an email outlining what you think I've missed and I'll read it and fail to respond...alllrighty?

Last updated 20/4/2000.

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