This page is now, and ever shall be...
Everyone needs a map to navigate the information superhighway.
The map you'd purchase cheaply from a gas station.

It seems to be an essential part of a homepage that links to other pages exist; spawned from the shared interests, likes and motivations of the individual concerned with the cornucopia of others who drift through this ethereal world. So, grab the sides of your chair, strap yourself in and take trip through the web, thanks to my comprehensive listing of some of the most diverse and exciting (trying desperately to contain myself here) sites of wonder, intrigue and intellectual merit on the internet today.

Chat Link
Okay, I should admit to the fact that I waste a great deal of my time visiting a chat site. I know what you're thinking...billions of references and sites positively bursting with potential wisdom; virtually, the world at his fingertips; and he's visiting a chat site. I make no apologies, and I hang my head in shame...but only briefly. After all, look at you, not exactly 'expanding your cranium' reading this are ya? Anyway, I urge you to visit the folks at the
Sheppnews Chat Lounge and see why it is I spend most of my time there. It's developed it's own set of politics and you can easily offend some of the 'top-knobs' that run the place if you're not careful, but, other than that, it's the most attractive place I've ever had the pleasure to haunt.

Alllllrighty, time for the nitty-gritty. Here goes...

Psychology and Parapsychology Links
Australian Psychological Society
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society
Koestler Parapsychology Unit
Parapsychology Resources on Net

Occult, Religious and Esoteric Links
Illuminating Links
Mike Croghan's Religion Page

Alien Abduction & UFO Links
Alien Abduction : Experience and Research
Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS)
The Alien Jigsaw (Abduction cases ; Introduction by Budd Hopkins)
Spiritweb UFO mini FAQ

Literature Links
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Sweet Despise
Emily Dickinson
Virginia Woolf

Philosophy Links
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand

Music Links
Danny Elfman's Music for a Darkened People

Roleplaying Links
Secrets of the Kargatane: The Home of Ravenloft on the Net
TSR's Homepage
The Lonesome Road
Alanik Ray's Ravenloft Library

X-Files Links
The X-Files (Fox's Official website)
The Australian X-Files HomePage
"Netpickers" guide to The X-Files
The Gillian Anderson Photo Gallery (Grrrrroowl)

Miscellaneous Interests Links
The Dark Side of the Web
Theatre des Vampires
Millenium Homepage (Fox Official)
The Official Website of H. R. Giger
The Doctor Who Page
Martin Molloy
Spawn : The Comic
Cawfee Tawk
The Chronicles of Dr. Carey

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