The Rogues Gallery

Name: Arson

First Appearance: ShadowHawk I #1

Occupation: Arsonist

Group Affiliation: Regulators

History: Not much is known about Arson, other than he is a pyromaniac. ShadowHawk managed to stop his little reign of terror for a while, thinking he accidentally killed Arson in an explosion. Arson was changed, however, wishing to extract revenge upon ShadowHawk for creating him into a living fire elemental.

Name: Vendetta, Maxine Boldd

First Appearance: ShadowHawk I #1

Occupation: Founder of the Regulators, Mafia Queen

Group Affiliation: Regulators, Mafia

History: Vendetta craves power, and by forming the Regulators, she ensures that she has the muscle to prove she has power. The only thing standing in her way from gaining total power is ShadowHawk. Many times she has attempted to recruit him, but each time he has refused flattly.

Name: Vortex, Tajana Juarez

First Appearance: ShadowHawk I #2

Occupation: None

Group Affiliation: Regulators

History: Vortex was just a lowly street punk with a child and a boyfriend in the hospital. His spine broken after an encounter with ShadowHawk, Vortex's main reason for wanting revenge against ShadowHawk. Recruited by Vendetta, she was given powers abling her to create a vortex, moving easily from one area to another.

Name: BlakJak

First Appearance: ShadowHawk I #3

Occupation: former Youngblood

Group Affiliation: Regulators

History: BlakJak moved from the Youngbloods to the Regulators because (more than likely) he could gain more money that way than just being affiliated to a group of costumed avengers. It would appear he is very loyal to Vendetta, as he was the first to be chosen for the Regulators. He takes on the leadership role of the group.

Name: HardEdge

First Appearance: ShadowHawk II #1

Occupation: Unknown

Group Affiliation: Regulators

History: HardEdge is an opportunist. At his first meeting with Vendetta, he made it clear he was only in it for himself. He does not appear very trust worthy, and is not liked at all by BlakJak. The only real reason he may stay with the Regulators is because he has the hots for Vortex.

Name: Hawk's Shadow

First Appearance: ShadowHawk II #1

Occupation: Unknown

Group Affiliation: None

History: Hawk's Shadow is a white supremist, plain and simple. He believes he is carrying on ShadowHawk's fight by killing black men and women, freeing America from the oppression reigned down from the "inferior races." It isn't until the meeting between ShadowHawk and Hawk's Shadow is the identity of ShadowHawk revealed as Paul Johnstone.

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