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Welcome to my little corner of the world

The Dragon Sorcerer's Lair

Sit back, relax and make yourself at home.
I've got some klah on the boil in that big pot
by the fire, help yourself if you want.
Ah...I see you have spotted those tunnels
that head off in different directions.
You'd like to know what they are?
All of these tunnels are gateways to different
worlds that many people like you have entered.
It's becoming quite a little clutter of gateways
that has been accumulating here but these
gateways do seem to like my lair.

Choose a Main Gateway to Enter . . .


An introduction to the world of the Dragonriders of Pern. Of course a wee intro to the Dragonlady hersefl, Anne McCaffrey!

Who's who on Pern

Need to have a look to refresh your memory on the characters from Pern? Or if you have forgotten some of the people of Pern (shame on you!) use the Who's who on Pern list.
Clear Skies!!!

Pern Dragons vs Dragons

There are Dragons and then there are Pern Dragons. Here's a look at the similarities as well as differences between these two types of dragons.

Links, links and more links!

Links to lots of Pern sites.

Site updates:

11/11/01 Site updated on a very slow basis.

The World of Pern is copyrighted to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967.
'The Dragonriders of Pern' (R) is a registered trademark.

Watch this space! ;) Yup, I mean it...

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(c) Dragon Sorcerer, 1997-2001.
Last modified: 11th November 2001.