Fun stuff to do at Dharma!
There's always something to do at Dharma. Most activities will even give you clan points!
Clan points is a fair system of promoting members. You can earn points by donating items and
money, but that only counts partially. We encourage members to participate, an reward them with
points. When you reach Walker level, you can qualify for a clan helm.

Have fun with fellow Dharmites and collect loot for our bank. |

Find and donate specific items and be involved in great roleplay. |

Participate and help in special Dharma events for the public. These will be posted on the Dharma board. |

No points are given in Writing Competitions, but the work of the winners gets posted on the site. |

Join our Dharma defense force and train with the best. |

Lead the hunting team in missions of massive destruction. |

Serve on the Dharma council. |

Sponser and teach the ways of Dharma to new members. |
How to advance!
Completing clan quests, participating in clan events, and doing any kind of clan job will give you Duty Points.
The points from each of the three categories must meet the minimum requirements to get a new title.
A minimum of one month between title changes is required.