County Profile:
1998 population 119,962.
Fifteen percent of the population is below 150 percent of
the federal poverty level. The major city is Stuart.
Health Care Access:
According to the Florida
Department of Business and Professional Regulation, in
1998, Martin County had 263 medical doctors, 27
osteopathic physicians, 87 dentists, and 1,358 registered
nurses actively licensed.
Status of Volunteer

Click on photo
above for full size version.
The Martin Memorial
Volunteers in Medicine Clinic opened in October 1995.
This effort involves Martin Memorial Health Systems,
Inc., Martin County Health Department, private
physicians, and the community. The clinic provides free
primary medical care for the health and wellness needs of
the medically underserved population living in Martin
County or south St. Lucie County. The Volunteers in
Medicine Clinic has 42 volunteer physicians, 38 of whom
are retired practitioners who work once a week for four
to eight hours. Four of the physicians are currently
practicing medicine in the community and also volunteer
at the clinic. The clinic has 60 nurse volunteers and 29
non-clinical volunteers. Over 60 community physicians
accept referrals from the Medicine Clinic

Click on photo
above for full size version.
Martin County Health Department continues to
augment their services by utilizing nursing, translation
and clerical volunteers.