Indian River
County is located on Florida's Treasure Coast. Vero
Beach the major city is about an hour south of the
Kennedy Space Center and an hour north of Palm Beach.
Indian River County incorporates 511 square miles,
with 12 square miles within the city limits of Vero
Beach. Indian River County has 23 beautiful miles of
Atlantic Ocean beaches. Agricultural acreage is
approximately 327,000 in the county, with the largest
percentage in pastures and ranges, followed by citrus
acreage, forest and woodlands, row crops and
miscellaneous. The average annual temperature is 73.4
degrees F. Average for June, July. August and
September is 80.7 degrees. Average for months of
December, January, February and March is 65.8
degrees.Vero hosts the Los Angeles Dodgers during
spring training, houses two museums, the Prince of
Wales Cup polo match and more than a dozen parks.
Indian River County has continued to experience
steady growth. The
1998 population was 107,506. Seventeen percent of the
population is below 150 percent of the federal
poverty level. In the past
year alone Vero has seen aggressive downtown
redevelopment, a new bridge spanning the Indian River
and a new outlet mall. In the near future Indian
River County will see several new chain restaurants,
another mall and a larger employment base thanks to
growing businesses such as Disney Resorts, XL Vision,
Orchid Isle Systems and Piper Aircraft. According to the Florida Department of
Business and Professional Regulation, in 1998, Indian
River County had 244 medical doctors, 15 osteopathic
physicians, 66 dentists, and 1,121 registered nurses
actively licensed.
Status of Volunteer Efforts:
The Indian
River County Medical Society and Indian River
County Health Department cooperate to provide an
active We Care Network.

Click on
photo above for full size version.
This program is
coordinated at the Indian River County Health
Department through the primary care program. The
Indian River County Hospital Taxing District provides
funding for the coordinators salary. A
volunteer nurse administers an indigent drug program
to provide pharmaceuticals to eligible medically
indigent patients.
In addition to
services performed at the Indian River County Health
Department by volunteer physicians, referrals are
also made to private physicians offices.
Specialty referrals include, but are not limited to,
oncology, radiology, ophthalmology, neurology,
gynecology, and endocrinology.
Indian River County Health Department is seeking
professional volunteers for the following positions:
general practice physicians, specialty physicians of
all types, advanced registered nurse practitioners,
radiologists, registered nurses, medical social
workers, home visitors, and clerical, etc. Contact: Michele Gerchow O'Halloran,
Human Resources, Indian River Health Department, 1900
27th Street, 2nd Floor Administration, Vero Beach FL
32960 Voice: 561.770.5410 or Fax: 561.770.5403.