Highlands County

Highlands County encompasses 1,029 square miles of Florida's heartland. "Highlands" appropriately describes the higher elevation of this unique area, located on the rolling hills of Central Florida's ridge area and lake country. Highlands County has three incorporated cities. Sebring is the county seat and has a population of 8,183. Avon Park is the northern-most city with a population of 8,845, and is one of the heaviest citrus-producing areas in the state. Lake Placid is the Caladium Capital of the World, and has a population of 1,409. The population of the unincorporated area totals 61,099. The county is experiencing strong growth, and total population is expected to reach 100,000 by the year 2010.
the population is below 150 percent of the Twenty-six percent of federal poverty level. According to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, in 1998, Highlands County had 121 medical doctors, five osteopathic physicians, 32 dentists, and 726 registered nurses actively licensed.

Highlands County Health Department

Click on photo above for full size version.

The Highlands Stay Well Clinic, which is physically located in the county health department, operates one evening per week. Once a month the clinic is solely devoted to women’s health. A total of 451 clients were seen in the clinic during this fiscal year. Of the total, 51 were new to the Stay Well Clinic and 400 were established clients. The majority of the clients are female and range in age between 36 and 45.

In addition to the clinic, referrals were made to medical specialists that included Lab Corporation, Women’s Wellness Center, Radiology Consultants, Florida Hospital – Heartland Division, Highlands Regional Medical Center, and H. Lee Moffitt Center. Two hundred and seven laboratory tests were completed with a value of service equal to $9,559. Prescription medications in the amount of $90,564 were donated by the local medical doctors and are also received through the pharmaceutical drug assistance programs.

The primary funding for the clinic was received from the Highlands Hospital District Board. Other funds for the clinic are received through professional, social, religious, and private donations.

The Sun Room, which is based on the Senior Friendship Center model developed by the Department of Elder Affairs, strives to provide a variety of services for citizens over the age of 55. The clinic works under the direction of the Highlands County Health Department. Professional clinic volunteers are registered as Chapter 110 volunteers.


Contact Information

Postal address, telephone and fax:

Region 7 Coordinator:
James S. Kuczek
Benton Service Center
337 North 4th Street, Suite 212
Ft. Pierce, FL 34950-4247
(561) 467-4103 (SC) 240-4103
FAX (561) 467-3888 (SC) 240-3888
State Coordinator:
Shannon Lease, M.S.
Department of Health Headquarters
BIN #A13
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee FL 32399-1722
Telephone (850) 245-4104 (SC)205-4104
(850) 414-6091 (SC)994-6091

Electronic mail:

Volunteer opportunities contact regional coordinator: jkuz@earthlink.net
General Program Information: Shannon_Lease@doh.state.fl.us

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Copyright © 2000 Department of Health
Last modified: August 21, 2000 15:24