Gadsden County is located in the rolling red clay hills of Northwest Florida, just west of Tallahassee, and borders the state of Georgia. It was one of the first counties settled when Spain ceded Florida to the United States and remains largely rural and agricultural. The main Gadsden County Health Department office is located in Quincy, the county seat. There are satellite clinics in the communities of Chattahoochee and Havana.

The Gadsden County Health Department has formed a partnership with the North Florida Medical Centers, Inc. (the local federally funded community health center) and the Family Practice Residency Program at Tallahassee Memorial Medical Center to provider volunteer health care services for migrant workers and their families. Other volunteer activities have been coordinated with The March of Dimes, Kiwanis Club, American Cancer Society, Pilot Club, Healthy Start Coalition, and Gadsden Neighbors in Partnership. The Florida Baptist Convention Mobile Dental Van regularly schedules stops in Gadsden County and utilizes local volunteer dentists and support personnel.

Gadsden County is part of the service network of the We Care Program of the Capital Medical Society, so that income-eligible patients may be referred for free medical care and hospitalization.

Volunteer efforts have focused on reducing unwanted teenage pregnancies, prenatal care programs, domestic violence and outreach to the migrant population. Volunteers who speak Spanish are often needed to better serve health department clients.

To become a volunteer please contact Sara Manning at the Gadsden County Health Department, P.O. Box 1000, Dr. LaSalle LeFalle Dr., Quincy, FL 32352-1000. She may also be reached by telephone at (850) 875-7200, Ext. 339.


Contact Information

Postal address, telephone and fax:

Region 2 Coordinator:

Lat Penland
Region 2 Coordinator Volunteer Services PO Box 2745
Tallahassee, FL 32316
(850) 414-7845 x126
FAX (850) 488-1384 (SC) 287-1384

State Coordinator:

Shannon Lease, M.S.
Department of Health Headquarters
BIN #A13
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee FL 32399-1722
Telephone (850) 245-4104 (SC) 205-4104
(850) 414-6091 (SC) 994-6091

Electronic mail:

Regional Volunteer Opportunities:
General Program Information:

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Copyright © 2000 Department of Health
Last modified: August 21, 2000 14:06