There is opportunity for licensed health care professionals as well as non-licensed persons in Duval County to volunteer their time and expertise in the health care field. In Duval County, there are two health care programs that utilize volunteers. The first volunteer program is located at the various programs and clinics of the Duval County Health Department, and the second program provides free medical services to eligible individuals and is sponsored by community organizations and churches.

The Duval County Health Department utilizes volunteers in clinics and programs. Some of the ways volunteers can help:

WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) Breastfeeding Peer Counselors

Reach Out and Read Program Readers

Licensed Health Care Professionals, i.e., Physicians, Registered Nurses

Special Events, i.e., River City Kids Day

Clerical Assistants in all Clinics and Programs

Outreach Programs such as Injury Prevention and Prevention of Tobacco Use by Youth

HIV Pre and Post Test Counseling


The We Care Jacksonville Program is a voluntary health care program in service to the community. The We Care program provides free medical treatment (and when necessary, hospitalization) to Duval County persons in need of these services. If a patient requires medical evaluation/treatment beyond the scope of what the clinic can provide, a referral is made to an appropriate specialist. The guidelines for acceptance into the We Care program are: the patient’s income is at or below 150 percent of poverty level as defined by the Federal Government and he/she carries no applicable insurance. Presently, there are ten primary care clinics, one specialty clinic, one outpost office for a pediatrician and two dental clinics that are operated by community agencies or churches. They are as follows:

Primary Care Clinics

  • Mission House Clinic, 800 Shetter Avenue, Jacksonville Beach (904) 241-6767. Open every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Dental services - 2nd saturday each month.

  • City Rescue Mission, McCarthy Clinic, For residents only.

  • Christ the King Clinic, 1736 University Boulevard South, Jacksonville. Open the fourth Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (3rd Saturday in November & December).

  • Healing Hands Medical Clinic, 5126 Timuquana Road, Jacksonville, 573-1333. Call for Appointment Information.

  • I.M. Sulzbacher Health Center, 611 East Adams Street, Jacksonville, 359-0657 ext. 263. Open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and Monday through Friday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

  • International Christian Clinic, 6316 San Juan Avenue, Suite #9, Jacksonville, 378-0679. Open the Second Monday from 5:00 p.m. until the last patient is seen.

  • Lake Shore Baptist Medical Mission, 2363 Blanding Boulevard, Jacksonville, 388-6578. Call for Appointment Information.

  • Springfield Clinic at the Help Center, 511 West 11th Street, Jacksonville, 633-9383. Call for Appointment Information.

  • Oasis Medical Clinic, 8057 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, 721-3494. Call for Appointment Information.

  • St. Matthew Christian Community Health Center, 1311 West 27 Street, Jacksonville, 764-0909. Call for Appointment Information.

Specialty Clinic

  • Community Asthma Clinic, 611 East Adams Street, Jacksonville, 359-0657 ext. 263. Open the First Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Outpost Office for Children Only (Beaches Area)

  • St. Vincent’s DePaul Society at St. Johns Catholic Church, 2400 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach. Financial screenings are completed every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Appointment with Pediatrician varies.


Dental Clinic

  • I.M. Sulzbacher Dental Center 355-6100
    (By Referral Only)
  • St. Matthew Christian Dental Clinic 764-0909 (ByAppointment Only)

For more information, please call the Volunteer Services Office at (904) 630-3228. Thanks!

Contact Information:

Postal address, telephone and fax:

Local Regional Coordinator:

Pauline Lindstrom
Duval County Health Department
900 University Blvd. N., Suite 210
Jacksonville, FL 32211
Voice (904) 745-3095 (SC) 853-3228
Fax (904)745-3054

State Coordinator:

Shannon Lease, M.S.
Department of Health Headquarters
BIN #A13
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee FL 32399-1722
Telephone (850) 245-4104 (SC)205-4104
(850) 414-6091 (SC)994-6091

Electronic mail:

Volunteer opportunities contact the regional coordinator: Pauline_Lindstrom@doh.state.fl.us
General program information:

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Copyright © 2000 Department of Health
Last modified: August 21, 2000 13:56