Broward County Volunteers Brighten Lives What is a volunteer? The writers of "The Health Advisor" said it best A volunteer is
someone very special who helps others get a job done.
They usually arrive when the workload is the greatest,
the outlook the bleakest, and the job the hardest. They
are not interested in compensation, only in doing a good
job and making things a little better for their fellow
man. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, colors
and social classes. They can type, file, photograph,
organize, distribute, sew or manage. And they are usually
smiling - smiling because they are doing something that
they want to be doing and they are making a difference.
volunteer services program provides donated goods and
services to the individuals served by the Department of
Health beyond that which the department can normally
provide due to personnel and fiscal constraints.
Volunteer services provide a bridge between the
department and the community by augmenting and extending
existing programs. Volunteers who have a positive
experience with the department are good-will ambassadors
for the agency. Therefore, public relations are an
integral and important aspect of the volunteer services
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program This program was established in 1992 pursuant to section 766.1115, Florida Statutes, with the longstanding Chapter 110, Florida Statutes, Volunteer Program. The intent of the Legislature was twofold: to increase access to health care for indigent Floridians through the use of volunteers, and to increase the number of health care volunteers through the extension of state-sponsored sovereign immunity protection. Department of Health's sovereign immunity
protection is extended to the following programs to
assist them in providing pro bono health care to indigent
individuals in Broward County: Broward County Medical Association "We Care" Program
Broward Outreach Center
Elderly Interest Fund MediVan Project
Living Water Care Center
Christ Church United Methodist Each week they
deliver baby clothes, furniture, and equipment to Healthy
Start participants. They also "adopted" 1,300
children and their families for the holidays, with each
child's donation worth approximately $25. Healthy Mothers / Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County Utilizes volunteer health
professionals in efforts to improve the health of
pregnant women and their babies. Shots by Two This is an immunization reminder
initiative supported by the Florida District of Kiwanis
International, District 23. Volunteers were recruited to
mail postcard reminders and make phone calls to mothers
of newborns from participating hospitals, remind them of
the need for scheduled immunizations. The Senior HIV Intervention Project (S.H.I.P.) This is a two-year grant for Dade,
Broward, and Palm Beach Counties to conduct education and
awareness activities in the senior community and with
health care providers. Volunteers were recruited and
trained to do health education about HIV / AIDS,
facilitate group discussions, as well as perform
administrative duties.
Please be aware that
there are requirements for becoming a volunteer in the
state of Florida. For volunteers interested in working at
the various health departments or other clinics, there is
a document in the application packet that requires a
public notary to sign, a local law enforcement check is
obtained, and two references are contacted to ensure the
person volunteering is of good moral character. If you
are a licensed professional interested in the Volunteer
Health Care Provider Program, you maybe required to sign
an individual contract with the Department of Health.
Groups of professionals may enroll under a corporate
contract and each professional would then sign an
employee agreement.
Thanking you in advance for interest in volunteering. Contact Information
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Department of Health Last modified: August 21, 2000 15:18 |