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Gorgeous Greg World Tour 2000
As Seen On ScoopsWrestling
By Gorgeous Greg (Greg Stinson)
EIW World Heavyweight Champion
EIW Webmaster
Internet Columnist for ScoopsWrestling
Dear Mark Madden,
I read the open letter posted by C.J., then traveled over to 1Wrestling to read
this contreversial column myself.
How viciously and vehemently those Extreme
Championship Wrestling fans defend their product, eh Mark? Those ECW fans consider
themselves smarts, but man their actions smell of markish behaviour to me! I've never seen
any fan that takes this stuff so seriously as an ECW fan. You're quite correct, Mark. C.J.
and the rest of the ECW fanbase will eat whatever irrational crap Paul Heyman is willing
to feed them.
Let's talk about Shane Douglas and Mike Awesome versus The Dudleys and Tazz. How exactly
are Douglas and Awesome floundering? Awesome is in a feud with two of the biggest names
ever in pro wrestling: Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash.
Shane Douglas is a bit of a different story. He had a bicep injury, but he was associated
with Benoit, Malenko, and Saturn. You know, those three guys the World Wrestling Federation and ECW marks love
to love. Recovering, he battled the greatest name in wrestling ever, while capturing the
tag team gold. He's also becoming one of the top heels in World Championship Wrestling, behind Jeff Jarrett.
Now let's move onto the Dudleys. They made it big. They became Tag Team Champions, and are
quickly becoming the most popular face team since Demolition.
And Tazz? He's moving on up, primed and ready for a feud with the Crippler.
But you already know this, Mark. It's your job to know. My point is, though, it appears to
me that all four entities (five men total) are enjoying successful promotions in the world
of wrestling. I don't understand why working for Vince McMahon maintains integrity while
working for Eric Bischoff does not. Oh that's right, I forgot, McMahon works the mic
But I'm with you, Mark. I have no idea why Heyman can choose to show his men get pummeled
on WWF TV, while turning down the opportunity to beat the hell out of Bischoff on national
TV. WCW was willing to paint ECW in an equal light, while WWF shows ECW as an inferior
product. But I keep forgetting that Paul Heyman is a booking genius. His actions need no
explanation. I'm sure the stale product of ECW in recent months is some grand scheme to
unleash a monster angle that will set the world on fire. But I'm not holding my breath,
Or maybe Paul can take it easy because he can just blame WCW when things don't go right in
To sum up, who are we to judge the career paths of men who have bled for our
entertainment? Why should Lance Storm stay in ECW to maintain some mythical 'integrity'
that all ECW marks love to shout? The answer is simple: he shouldn't. Every fed has its
fanbase. If a star jumps from WCW to WWF, is he selling out? No, he's being 'saved.' If he
jumps from ECW to WWF, it's just the 'next step.' But WCW is the heel, it will always be
the heel. But that's fine...without WCW, WWF would still be the lame circus act it was in
the early 90s. Skinner would probably be the World Champ right now.
So don't sweat it, Mark. You're doing fine...the more people hate you, the better you are
at your job. And Lance? If you're happy with your decision, then you made the right one.
And C.J.? Calm down, buddy, it's only wrestling.
As far as WCW. I know you try to listen to the net now, and you're probably scratching
your heads alot, thinking, 'Jeez, what's it take to at least get ONE thing nice said?'
Don't worry about it, you're doing great. You are the thinking man's fed. It's refreshing
to see a global franchise not rely on tired McMahon feuds and catch-phrases. Thanks, WCW,
you give me a great time every Monday night and I'm grateful for it. You don't owe me a
Thank you,
Greg Stinson

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