Welcome to our cave. Come in sit down and make yourself at home.

This is our first cave. We just moved in on Aug. 17th 1997 so our place is kind of a mess.

We will constantly be moving things around and adding furniture. So be sure and come back and see how the place is coming along.

Care and I, have been blessed with a great life and two wonderful daughters. "Sugar Bear" and "Pooh Bear" are their names. Well, that is enough about our family at this time. Come into the family room link below to learn more. Below is a list of rooms to wonder thru and things to see. I hope you enjoy your visit.



Griz's Thoughts

If you never tell a lie, you don't have to remember what you said.

You are the only one who can decide whether you are happy or sad.

Smile, and the world will smile back.

You will only live this day once. Don't screw it up!!

If you don't respect yourself, how do you expect anyone else to?

Don't step on any ones toes. They could be connected to the rear you have to kiss tomorrow


Cick on a room below and go inside.

Family Room

Come in and meet the family

Rec. Room

Come join the party. Take a load off and meet some good people.


Pictures of bears.

Care's Corner

Gifts, crafts and other ideas.

Garden path

A dedication to two special people.


Motorcycles and open road.

Creals list of icq servers.

A must for any one tired of not getting on


Cubs Playroom

Things for the youngsters to do

Entertainment room

Sports & Outdoor activities

Drop a note please!!!

We got rid of our guestbook. We would still love to hear from ya. Click on the mailbox.

I am proud to be a winner of the White Wolf Award. I think he gave it to me to bring up my spirits. I have really been struggling with this home page thing. Thank you White Wolf. . Go to his Home page and you will see what a real one looks like. Click on his name or pic and give him a visit.

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