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Here are some photos I made in the mountains of Central Caucasus in July'97.

In Estonian

Hiking in the Central Caucasus in July 1997

July 19
  • The Syltran lake lies at 2950m over the sea level
  • A group of hikers observing the near-by summits of the Main Caucasian Range from the coast of the Syltran lake (2950m)
  • The Eastern Summit of Elbrus (5624m) - sight from the Syltran pass (3050m)
    July 20
  • Our bivouac at a small lonely lake (~3000m) on the way to the Iryk pass
  • Jaan's first serious practical experience in 'snow climbing ' on a glacier under the Iryk pass
  • In 10 min we will reach the highest point of the Iryk pass (3550m)
  • The Eastern Summit of Elbrus (5624m) dominates the vicinity. Now we have to descend to the Iryk-chat valley

    July 22
  • The lower part of the Shkhelda valley (~1900m) looks like a paradise. Our new goal lies to the left behind the corner
  • The place where vanishes the Shkhelda glacier is about 2000m over the sea level. The North Wall of the Shkhelda massif (4300m) is dominating over the valley
  • The main stream of Shkhelda glacier turned to the left, and we have still a long way to hike along the Shkhelda valley that ends with the Shchurovsky peak (4259m) and the kilometer-long Ushba Icefall beside it
    July 23

    Raining all the day and most of the night..

    July 24
  • A view back to the Shkhelda valley from the 'German Bivouac' (~3200m)
  • A view from the 'German Bivouac' towards the Ushba Icefall that leads to the Ushba Plateau (~4000m) with gorgeous Mt.Ushba (4710m) beside it (partially obscured by clouds)
  • On the lower part of the Ushba Icefall our main concern was to find the way between and over the crevasses
  • Fresh traces of ice avalanches make our task easier
  • The upper part of the Icefall is a bit steeper
    July 25
  • Our bivouac amongst huge seracs in a large crevasse near the edge of the Ushba Plateau (~3900m)

    July 26
  • Relaxing at Russian Alpine Camp "Adil-Su" (~1700m) after some adventures on the Ushba Icefall
    July 29
  • Members of The "First Estonian Women's Expedition Elbrus'97" at Azau (2300m) after ascending the Eastern Summit of Elbrus (5624m)
    July 30
  • One of the climbers of the Women's Expedition organized by "Firn" on training rocks of the Adil-Su valley (~1900m)

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