This beautiful Dolphin globe
was made for me by
my wonderful Daughter,
Ruth Ryden's
Monthly Predictions
and MORE

October 11, 2001
Ruth Ryden's
October/November, 2001
July 17, 2001
Global Warming
worse than thought!
How the world is threatened by
June 12, 2001
Gordon-Michael Scallion
June 1, 2001
Ruth's Predictiions for
June-July, 2001
Jan. 4, 2001
Gordon-Michael Scallion's
2001 Predictions
Jan. 3, 2001
California's Earthquake Risk
Bigger than thought
August 8, 2000
Robert Ghost Wolf's
Beyond the Veil
For UFO enthusiasists:
The Lacerta Files
FABULOUS interview with
Robert Ghost Wolf
Gordon-Michael Scallion's
Transition Point 2000
Holding Sacred Ground
by Robert Ghost Wolf
Messages from the
Animal Kingdom
Ruth shares with us
excerpts from
Bringers of the Dawn
Gordon-Michael Scallion
Table of Contents
Old Souls

Need New Shoes
Humans explore Outer Space
in vehicles of tin.
But to really travel far,
we must go WITHIN!
Encompassed by Angel Light,
helped by Earth Mother, too
we are limitless beings
who need no wings, just "HU."
"HU" is but another name for God
from which all life began.
The "HU" in human
is God in man.
We were put here
to create and grow.
Our mission is to make it
"As Above, So Below."
Caro Goodfellow