Alphabetic order | Maps: Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America, USA | How to get your handle here? | BSC Acronyms | back to Webfarm |
The Cheat Sheet
This is a cheat sheet for BSC -chatters. You can use this to refresh your memory when chatting at BSC. Click on any area to find the BSCers there! Confused with time zones? Click here !
Lost with the different measurement systems? Here's help!
Remember the handle but not the place? Check the BSC- alphabetic order -list!
If you're a regular BSCer, but couldn't find yourself here, or your stats are not correct / complete, send an email to and include your stats, check this info out first!
As well, if you don't want your name to appear on the list, send an email and tell that you want your name to be removed from the list!!
If you have any ideas to improve this page, feel free to send an email to the address above: Thank you in advance!!!
Have fun chattin'!!!*S*S*S*
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updated in January 2004
created on 7th August 1997 by 3fs /smg
moved to this new address on the 22nd January 1998
Hits since 1st December 1997
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