Cub Scout Pack |
Gladstone, MI |
Chartered by August Mattson American Legion Post #71 since 1959
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Cub Scout Pack 471 members include boys from Cameron and Jones Elementary Schools as well as some home schooled youth. The Pack serves 1st grade boys with its Tiger Cub dens, and grades 2 through 5 with its Wolf, Bear, and Webelos dens. The goal of Pack 471 is to provide a quality, exciting Cub Scout program throughout the year to as many of the area youth as possible.
Membership Leadership News Calendar
Local Links
Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
Hiawathaland Council, B.S.A.
Boy Scout Troop 466, Gladstone,
Pack 471's own Computerized Pinewood Derby
Track Timer
Any opinions expressed on this page are those of the webmaster, and may not reflect the official positions of either the Boy Scouts of America, Pack 471, or the August Mattson American Legion Post #71.