Free Eagles 's Home Page

Eagles Nest

Welcome to the Eagles Nest

The Bald Eagle

One of North America's most beautiful and majestic birds..The Bald Eagle was once known as the White Eagle,because of its beautifully white feathered head..It is a very impressive bird with its white head and tail contrasted against dark brown plummage..

A new generation of the Bald Eagle begins with the hatching of an eaglet..After a thirty-five day incubation,the bald eaglet will hatch from the eggshell..The Adult Bald Eagle will spend most of its time on or near the nest, Rarely leaving the young unattended..

The Adult Bald Eagle will spend more then 90 percent of the day perching, But also has been seen flying at the same altitude as a small plane..The size of the Bald Eagle is one of its most impressive features..The wing span of an adult varies between 80 to 88 inches and the length of the body from 30 to 40 inches...The female is larger then the male...The life span of the bald eagle is estimated to be less then 50 years..

Below you will find some Eagle pictures....So go take a look and enjoy..There will be more added soon...

You'll also find My Pictures.....My Friends Picture Page...And Poems Page

Coming soon My video and Sound wave Page...

Please stop back soon....

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Eagle Pictures..

2eagles..... Eagle Flying..... Bald..... Eagle1....
Eagle Head..... Profile..... Looking At you..... Over water..... In the snow..... Side view..... Baby..... Perched..... Eagle Soaring..... Group..... Fighting over food..... Waiting.....

Looking at self.....

Proud looking Eagle.....Looking Proud.....Gone Fishing.....Preening Feathers..... Eagle In Flight.....

Golden Eagles..

Golden Eagle.....

Young Golden.....

Golden Eagle 2.....


My Pictures....

This is me...(*Free Eagle)*

My Baby (Cotie)...

Me and Cotie...

Friends Picture Page....

Some Poems....

Video And Sounds Of Eagles....

Last Updated On 5/10/98

Guestbook by Lpage

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