Troop 646

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May 2004
Upcoming Events
Merit Badges

May 4 – City Council Meeting Recognizing Patrick Estes
May 8 – Scout Show; Money/tickets due.
May 11 – May Committee Meeting (Date Chg)
May 16 – Eagle Court of Honor – Patrick Estes
June 7 – Troop Court of Honor
June 8 – June Committee Meeting (Date Chg)
Aug 28 – HHH  
See newsletter for merit badge session

By Mr. C

I looked up “Be Prepared” on the Internet today and was surprised at the amount of things people and companies are telling us to be prepared for in everyday life. Here is a sample:

Be prepared to be protected (must be a home security company)
First aid preparedness
Safety Afloat-be prepared
Be prepared for life challenging illnesses
Be prepared for your first year of college away from home
Be prepared to surviving chemical, nuclear, bioterrorism, and natural disasters
Be prepared for home disasters
Youth leaders be prepared handbook
Be prepared for safe driving
Be Prepared, Dress with Care!
Be prepared to do your taxes
Be prepared for your wedding day
Be prepared for having children
Be prepared for retirement
Be prepared for survival in the wilderness
Be prepared for school
Be prepared to face the consequences of your actions
Be prepared for church
Be prepared to get back into shape
Be prepared to just say no to drugs and alcohol
Be prepared for the camp out
Be prepared for the scout meeting
Be prepared for any old thing

I can go on and on. Sir Baden-Powell really knew his stuff when he suggested that as the Scout Motto. We try to help you by suggesting ways to be prepared. One easy way is simply list out everything you need on a camp out and go over the list beforehand with fellow scouts. We used to do pack inspections the Monday before a camp out to make sure everyone going had all their gear. If this helps, talk to the SPL or your PL about doing this again. Duty Rosters are very good tools to avoid confusion on camp outs. Using the junior leader handbooks template to prepare for meetings is another good tool. We all forget sometimes, but we need to learn from our mistakes and be prepared the next time. Think about our motto and how it works in every aspect of your life, even after scouting. If you would like to talk about it more, be prepared with your list of questions and we adult leaders will try to be prepared to provide guidance.

Mr. C.

Awards and Achievements from the Spring Camporee
By Devin Granger

Here are the results achieved by Troop 646 at the Spring 2004 Camporee. This activity was held at Camp Wisdom from the 2nd to the 4th of April and the theme was Cooking. I have included this information in the scrapbook as well as Mr. C. mentioned these results in the April Newsletter.  During this campout, the Webelos from Pack 1200 joined us. Troop 646/Pack 1200 seemed to get more awards for one troop than any other.  Also, during this campout, several scouts earned many requirements for their First Class Ranks. 

1st Place- “Pancake Eating” ~ Aundree C.

1st Place- “Cracker Stackers” ~ Aundree C.

2nd Place- “Please Sir, May I Have S'mores” ~ Alex W.

2nd Place- “Spice of Life” ~ Alex W.

2nd Place- “Biscuits Away” ~ Devin G.

2nd Place- “Toss Your Junk Food” ~ Nicholas H.*

2nd Place- “Eatin' Goober Peas” ~ Nicholas H.*

3rd Place- “Backpack Lunch” ~ Mr. Torske, Mr. Treece

And last but not least!!!!!

2nd Place- “Troop Overall” ~ Troop 646

*This scout was one of the Webelos from Pack 1200

March 2004
February 2004

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