Hi! My REAL name is Ken. I live in Bowie,Md., between Washington and Annapolis.
It's a Great location, where I'm at. 2 1/2 hrs from the Atlantic Ocean. Less than 2 hours drive from the Mountains. And within 30 minutes of our Nations Capital and Monuments.
I'm a Furniture Repairman by trade.But I enjoy and have many other interests. I like to Draw, Sculpt, Paint and anything else that has to do with Art! And yes, I enjoy doing some Carpentry work, as well!
Some of the activities I enjoy, are Camping, Hiking, Fishing and Hunting.
Oh Yeah....I also like riding my Harley-Davidson! Visit the link
below to see some pictures.
I've been Married once, and that was for 12 years. I have two wonderful daughters. I get to enjoy their company only half the time, because they live with their mom, the other half.
Jennifer is a really intelligent kid..I owe her a lot of thanks for the help she has given me in setting things up on the 'puter..
Well...It looks like I'll never get a decent picture of Jen to put in here But I do have some updated news about her. Last December (2002) She graduated from Allegheny College. She Was on the Honor Roll, and was the Valedictorian of her class. She went to Ireland for a semester, and continued her studies in school there. She's home for the summer, and plans to return to Ireland for the Fall. Man....I'm so proud! Megan is pretty smart also..Straight "A's", with a Perfect attendance at school.And she's into Sports..She's been the "Star Player" on her Softball Teams for the last ten years..and is also interested in Volley Ball, and doing well. I'm proud of them both!
Sorry folks! It's been so long since I've been in here to edit this page, I almost forgot how to use the HTML Code. And, this is the first time I've been in here since Yahoo and Geocities merged . It took me a long time to log-in.
Well....Megan is finishing up the her Senior year.She's doing very good in Volley Ball as well. Jennifer finally graduated, moved out and is now attending College in Cumberland, Md. She is studying Criminal Law, and made the Dean's List last year. (UPDATE: 1/4/04) Jen is home from Ireland for the Holidays. She's in her 2nd year at school in Galway, Ireland. Megan has been driving for a year.
This is really tough keeping the updates in order. So I'll just let you be confused! *LOL*
ME......... I'm doing great! Met a fine lady a couple years ago! Betti and her 16 yr old daughter (Kelly) moved in with me. Kelly is now out on her own.
Betti and I enjoy going out to Karaoke Clubs. Yeah.. We like to sing, and we enjoy the company of our friends. I introduced Betti to the sport of fishing. Every chance we had she bugged me to take her fishing. Christmas was easy! She got a lot of fishing gear! *LOL* And we enjoy riding the Harley!
See my Harleys | Aug.'98 "Meet" in Bowie | Artwork1 | Artwork2 | LeatherWork |
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!
Several years ago, probably the year 1840...I used to hear my father and other old people tell about it. A large hunting party started on a hunting trip. In those days there were a lots of wild and large game. Bears, panthers, wolves and sometimes wild Indians. Anyway, as the story has been handed down from generation to generation, there was a young man in the party who thought he would act smart. He thought he knew it all. As they were travelling along, they went through an Indian Territory and this young man saw a couple of Indian children up in a grape vine picking wild grapes. He said "They are Indians and wherever there are nits, there are lice." He aimed his gun and shot them. The older men told him not to do it, that he would get himself into trouble. But he wouldn't listen. The party went on it's way. In a few hours a party of Indians caught up with them. The leader of the party could talk pretty good English. He said "Tell us which one of you killed our children and we won't hurt but only the one that did it". So they pointed at the young man. The young man started to run but the Indians soon caught him. The first thing they did was cut off his tongue so he couldn't talk back to them.They laid him down in the road and started to work on him. The rest of the hunting party had to watch them SKIN THIS MAN ALIVE! Enough Indians worked on this man, starting at his head, taking the skin off him. I am told he did an awful lot of screaming and hollering. In a very few minutes they had all the skin off of him, and they let him up and the man ran about 100 yards and dropped dead. I presume that was very painful. That was a lesson to the hunting party and the rest of the community. The Indians told the party that they'd do them no harm as long as they did not harm any Indians. The little innocent Indian children weren't doing anyone any harm. So I think the young man who killed the children got his just reward.
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