5 pt. Taken in NY'S Southern Tier, 1997

Welcome to my home page. My name is Fritz Florian, I am known on the internet as Buckshot. I am currently employed as a police officer with the Oneida Indian Nation Police of New York My favorite pastimes are hunting Whitetail Deer and Wild Turkeys. I live just 20 minutes from one of New York States greatest resources, the six million acre forever wild Adirondack Park. Myself and thousands of other New York State hunters are able to experience one of the countries greatest wilderness areas. This is also home to some of New York's largest deer and bears. My home is also located just seven miles from the home of America's oldest gun maker, the Remington Arms Co. Remington Arms is located in the Village of Ilion. I hope you find the information in this page to be useful and informative.

Whitetail Deer Hunting In New York State

Turkey Hunting In New York State

Some Nice Pictures

Me at Work

Ten Point Buck Taken in 1995

Avery Buck

A Good Year here in Central NY

My son and I fishing 1996

Police Olympics - My partner and I

My Favorite Links

Click on the Images.

World record Whitetail The Milo Hanson Buck



E-Mail me: mflorian@telenet.net

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Web master M F Florian Jr. - Last updated 1/16/00