What is a Tiger Horse? The Tiger Horse is a breed of Spanish American type which combines the easy riding four-beat gaits of the past, plus the Lp color pattern (Leopard complex gene) which is also found in the Noriker, Knabstrupper, Appaloosa, Altai, and other such colored horses.
The name "Tiger Horse" comes from the French and Spanish name "Tigre."
The Tiger Horse is an ancient breed, once used to hunt Siberian
Tigers and which originated on the Steppes of Asia, the Don
region of Russia, near the China border. Today in the USA efforts are underway to bring the Tiger back, by using contemporary "gaited" or "saddling" breeds, and crossing them on certain types of similar, or gaited Appaloosas. The Siberian Tiger Horse was not only brilliantly spotted, it was also four-gaited.
This rare and illustrious horse has continued to tease its
way in and out of existance, since time immemorial. Results to reproduce it, are both exciting yet unpredictable.
The Tiger Horse Registry has therefore decided that a horse
breed cannot be based on color alone, and has evolved a
philosophy to establish a breed with phenotypic characteristics (look alikes) but whose hallmark will always be the presence of exotically colored individuals who also exhibit a strong but comfortable fourth or "middle" gait. This smooth gait is suitable for long hours of comfortable riding.
Note: By "gait" we mean an intermediate four beat gait, not
excluding, but other than the usual walk, trot and canter gaits.
A growing number of dedicated Breeders have joined in the pursuit of Tiger Horse production.
Once enjoyed only by Kings, and Emperors, or high ranking officials like the Captain of the Spanish Guard or Chiefs and Medicine Men of the Native Americans, it is now possible for you to own one of these incredible animals.
However, then, as now, this venture is not for the faint of heart or fickle minded, but for enduring adventurers determined to re-establish a once vanishing breed - The Tiger Horse.
'Annandale's Fairy Story a spirited Tiger Horse filly, owned by Victoria Varley of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Breed Description
The modern day Tiger Horse has no tigers to hunt,
but is a strongly built, moderately sized horse averaging 15.1 hands, with excellent legs and feet, making it an outstanding animal. Capable of performing in many different disciplines.
today it is influenced by contemporary, four-gaited, American bred horses. Today's Breeders can anticipate the return of a
modern version of the classical Spanish horse known as
"El Caballo Tigre" which itself was developed by careful outcrossing.
To see more exotic Tiger Horses visit our other website at: www.tigrehorse.com
This page was last updated November 29, 1999 by Victoria Varley
Known as a horse with exotic color patterns and fine athletic stature, this 'striking' mount, is a work of living art. Whether on the trail, in the show ring or displayed upon an artist's canvas, its beauty is never in question.
Coming Attractions!Color Dynamics "TALE OF THE TIGER"
A tri-annual newsletter for members of the Tiger Horse breed Registry is published tri-annually.
Tale of the Tiger and the Tiger Horse Registry are funded by volunteer efforts.
TIGRE The Tiger Horse Registry 39 Crazy Rabbit Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: (505) 438-2827 E-mail: Tigrehorse@aol.com
 Annandale's Storyteller, a magnificent red ghost stallion.
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