Horses, and other outdoor things!

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Stuff that is Cool (but what do I know!)

Red Ball My pets are Starr (horse), Shera (Newfoundland dog), Gizmo & Sebastian (cats). Right now I'm kind of sad because I just found out that my oldest cat (Sebastian) has diabetes. Now I have to stick a needle in him every day. I hate needles to begin with, so this makes it ten times harder when he flinches. I feel like I'm hurting him.
Red Ball When I go camping I always end up going with the most weird person I know (Blues Slinger). He's my best friend and he is very accident-prone. Great guy to know, but sometimes I wonder about him (you'll hear more about him later!)
Red Ball With cars, I'm not mechanically inclined, but my brother works on cars for a living, and out in B.C he raced at Mission Raceway & in Ashcroft. My most favorite car is a 1982 TA special edition. I had one once - it was white with gold pin-stripes, and the interior was crushed gold and leather. COOL!
Red Ball My family is huge so there is a lot to say about them. I have 4 favorites, which are my mom, nephew, aunt Judy & my grandfather (the OLD FART). My brother is cool but he's too miserable for me, he's turning into my father unfortunately! I have lots of friends, but unfortunately I can't see them all because I'm here in Ontario and most of my good friends are out in B.C. (Sad? I know, isn't it?)

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I'm sorry if there is any inconvenience or broken links, but I'm just learning how to create my own page so it might take awhile to get completed. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me.

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Page updated: 14 May 1997