Welcome to Paul & Donna`s Huntin, fishin,shrimpin and all other stuff we can get into here in "LA" (thats "LOWER ALABAMA" for those of you that might get confused).

Please be patient cause my time is limited on this puter due to a weird work schedule.

Hey folks,. Donna & I have just finished a pretty good 4 months of heavy hunting . Donna got 2 bucks, ( a five point, and a cow horn) and a doe. I on the other hand, got 3 bucks,( two 8 points and a 3 point) and a doe. Our freezer is pretty full needless to say. All of these deer were taken with rifles. We didn`t do to well with our bows. I guess you can blame that on lack of practice cause I missed a few.Oh well, maybe I`ll pull my bow out of the closet sooner than two weeks before bow season opens.

After we rest up for a month or so we are going to get ready for shrimping season here in the Gulf Shores area. I actually shrimp and Donna just goes along to feed the dolphins, "NO KIDDIN" she actually feeds wild dolphins by hand off the side of the boat. She has even gone as far as puttin dead fish in her mouth and puttin her face in the water and lettin them take it from out of her mouth.

To see more pictures of us just click on either picture above.

Oh well, gotta go , check in some other time and maybe I`ll have added some more to the page.

Later, PJ

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