Chat With The Masters Of Money Making Online In Real Time!
Dear Entrepreneur,
Are you on the internet to make money? Are you having difficulty finding honest,legitimate business opportunities?
Or perhaps you've already found the perfect opportunity but you're having difficulty prospecting
for new customers. Either way, you'll definately want to read this.
The Internet - Goldmine Or Landmine?
The internet really is a goldmine. The problem is that it's also riddled with landmines. Pick
the right opportunity and you could be set for life. But pick the wrong opportunity and you could
lose your shirt! Chances are you've already picked the wrong one at least a time or two. If so,
don't get disgusted and quit. You're not alone. The right opportunity is out there. It's just
that, with all the hype and false promises going around, it's becoming increasingly hard to tell
the "real gold" from the "fools gold". But there is a surefire way to tell the difference between
the two...
It's simple once you realize the most important knowledge you need is more information. Yes it's
true. And no, I'm not talking about the kind of information you get from reading more ezines,
surfing more websites or downloading more ebooks. You're probably already on information overload in
those areas. I'm talking about the kind of real-time, take it to the bank, information you get
directly from other internet marketers, just like you, who have been there and done that.
Introducing A Quick And Easy Way To Tell The Real Gold From The Fools Gold
What if you ran across a brand new business opportunity that sounded good but you just wasn't
sure if it would make money. Naturally, you'd want to investigate further before investing
money. But who do you ask about it? You can't ask the company or person promoting it, you already
know what they'll say. You can't ask your friends or family because chances are they know even
less about it than you do. Besides, your family members will probably just try to talk you out
of it. You could be abandoning the biggest "nugget" you've ever found if you listen to them. So who do you ask? You
ask the experts, that's who! You ask the very same people who have already "bought into" the
opportunity and find out how they're doing with it. Problem was, up until now, that was an
almost impossible task because you simply didn't know who these people were. But not anymore...
The Experts Are Right Here
Our new software is a combination resource guide and conference room. Now whenever you
have questions about a particular business opportunity you can just stroll on into the conference
room and ask about it. You'll get honest, real answers, from real people, in real time. No more
wondering, no more taking chances and best of all, no more lost money because you fell for something
that didn't work.
How much would market research like this be worth to your online business? Hundreds? Thousands?
Tens of thousands? It could be priceless considering...
- It's instant. You ask a question about a particular business opportunity, you get an instant
answer. You'll save time, your most precious commodity.
- You get honest answers. The people you're asking are already in the opportunity and
they know you've already found the "source", so they have nothing to gain by being dishonest.
- You get hundreds of opinions from hudreds of people about the opportunity. You don't have to just take one persons word for it.
Just think of the possibilities...
- Meet new and interesting people with the same goals as you. You might even form a new
partnership or two, or do a few joint ventures.
- You can barter for the goods and services you need. Surely you have something other
marketers need, and don't they have things you need?
- Gather priceless information that will inspire you to start new businesses and help you run
your current business more effectively.
- Stay "in the click". The more you network with other internet marketers the more you learn and
ultimately the more money you make.
Is this just another chat room? Not by any means! It's your private connection to the movers and
shakers of online marketing. It's your lifeline to the most imprtant group of people you'll ever
be associated with. It's your invitation to join candid, confidential, conversations with the people
behind the opportunity, the steam that pushes the locomotive. Quiet simply, it's your ticket to
seperating the "real gold" from the "fools gold". By working together everybody's sack gets full
quicker! And the ONLY place you can get it is through this special offer.
This Is One Nugget You Can't Afford To Leave Lying
This software is worth a fortune, your fortune! But that's not what it's going to cost you. It's
not even going to cost you as much as a pack of gum. That's right, for a very limited time
you can get this never before offered, one of a kind, available nowhere else, exclusive software
absolutely free of charge! Your free download will put you instantly in
touch with other internet marketers around the world! But please hurry, this offer can't last forever.
The only reason we're not charging for it now is we need to see how much of an interest there is for it
before setting the price.
What's more, this software comes with 100% resale rights. It has an easy to use rebrander that allows you
to customize the software with your personal information and give it away to anyone you wish.
You even get a custom made website to distribute it from! It makes a great bonus for your other
businesses offers! And as soon as we start charging for it, you'll be able to start selling it,
without ever having paid for it! And keep 100% of the profits!
So don't delay, click here for instant download. You'll be up and running in less than 10 minutes from now.
To your success,
 Vernon Noyes President/CEO Vernon Noyes Enterprises Inc.
P.S. If you're at all serious about internet marketing then you just can't overlook this free
offer to interact with other successful online entrepreneurs.
P.P.S. Just think you'll never again suffer through the pain and hassle of picking another
worthless business opportunity.