Welcome to the Western New York Waterfall Survey.
Online since February 27, 1998.
My name is Scott A. Ensminger and in 1991 I initiated
the Western New York Waterfall Survey. Its purpose is to
catalog all of the falls in the western half of New York State.
As of July 26, 2008 the total of known waterfalls was 1,037.
This site was last revised on: June 01, 2009.
Copyright 2009 by Scott A. Ensminger. All rights reserved.
Important Announcement
Yahoo! has decided to close GeoCities on October 26, 2009.
This site was moved to a new host on August 15, 2009.
The new site can be accessed here.
- - - - - - Table of Contents - - - - - - -
The information on this web site does not give anyone the right to trespass on private property.
You must obtain permission from the landowner to enter private property.
Recreation on private property is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT.
You can send me e-mail at:
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