<bgsound src=":80/Yosemite/Rapids/8848/brooks-rodeo.mid" loop=infinite>

As you enter you are greated by Dale, thank you Ken for letting me use her :-)

WelcomeI am Dale, Your host here at the stable and Pony's alter-ego. Feel free to look around the grounds and remember to sign the GUESTBOOK!!
Eather myself or one of the staff will be around should you need us.. Enjoy you stay now.. *with that she turns and walks away

As you walk up the pathway you come acrossed the Main House..As you walk onto the porch you see a mat that says Looking under it you find a Key Does it open the door.. Why not find out..

As you enter the Stable yard you see a big building with Fairies flying around..there is a sign that says NurseryPlease Enter.. "But please follow the Nannys instrustions".. a small voice says :-)

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