<b><font size=+2> Taxidermy.<P>Hunting, Fishing and Johns world.</b>
Welcome to my homepage. These pages are about the harvest of animals for the use of humans. So leave now, if you do not like Hunting, Fishing and the world of Taxidermy. " YOU WERE WARNED"

John and Dustin and thier mule deer, December 1997

Hi I'm JOHN, If you want to Chat I can be found on BUCKMASTERS, BUCK TALK.

I also retired Dec. 07, 1998 from the U.S.Army where I was a M1A1 Abrahms tank Commander. I now live in the big fish state of ARKANSAS. Grew up on trout fishing and smallmouth bass.
I have won over 70 awards for my taxidermy work at state, regional, national and world taxidermy competitions.
1997 KANSAS BEST FISH (a smallmouth bass of coarse) Polytranspar Award from Wildlife Artist Supply. 1999 Southern Regional Taxidermist Convention. Second place largemouth bass, Third place Smallmouth Bass, Third place Whitetail deer. Professional divison 1999 World Taxidermy Championships I begain taxidermy in 1979 and am 3 time past President of the Arkansas Taxidermist Assoc.
I encourage the word harvest in place of hunt, where possible. Try it.
I am very new at computers so don't laugh to hard at this.
West Central Arkansas Archery Tournaments.

Taxidermy price list.

I enjoy the hunt (oops) many times I come home empty handed but thats part of it.

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