Pack 320 Logo

Home page of Pack 320, Kent Washington, USA

Council Page | Dens | Pack Calendar | Meetings | Promise, Law & Motto | Committee | Links

We are a Cub Scout Pack located on the west hill of Kent, Washington, just south of Seattle. Our members attend Sunnycrest Elementary School in the Federal Way School District.

Our Chartered Organization is the HQ Company, Task Force 1, 303rd Armor Battalion of the Washington Army National Guard.

We are a proud unit in the Nopi Soki district of the Pacific Harbors Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

What You Will Find Inside . . .

* About Cub Scouting
What is a Tiger, a Wolf, a Bear?
What are the Paths to Achievement?
* The Path To Bobcat
The Cub Scout Promise, The Law of the Pack, The Cub Scout Motto.
* Our Uniform Policy
Why we wear them, Where to get them, and how to wear them.
* Dens of Pack 320:
Tiger Cub Den
Wolf Den
Bear Den
Webelos Den
* Our Pack Meetings
When and Where . . .
Complete with a map!
(Compass not included)
* 1999-2000 Pack Calendar
For Cubs, Parents and Leaders.
updated Aug 30, 1999
* Our Pack Newsletter
Keep informed of the latest news.
* Our Pack Leadership
And how to contact them . . .
* District and Council Page
Includes information on Roundtable
and maps to the council office and Roundtable.
* Our Search Engine Page
Search the web using five
different search engines.
* Pack 320's Scouting Links
Links to Scouting units and
resources around the world.
* Pacific Harbors Units On The Web
Links to home pages of other units
in our council.
* Our Web Ring Page
We are proud members of
The Scouting Web ring and
The Cub Scout Web Ring, and Home
Of The Scouting In Washington Web Ring!
* Email the Cubmaster
For information on how
to join our growing Pack!
* The History of Cub Scouting
The History of Scouting and the
Tale Of The Unknown Scout
*Our Web Site Awards
And memberships in
Web organizations
* Scouting Forms
A collection of the most
Popular scouting forms.
*Kent, and Beyond . . .
More information and links about
Kent, Seattle, and Washington.

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SafeSurf Rated All Ages RSAC rated
Rated for
All Ages
Family-Friendly Site

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