Hi my name is Jason Stokes I am a Graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University[1998].If you want to know any more about me follow the link 

This page is dedicated to the 4 summers I spent working at Camps in North Carolina.

I spent my first summer in the U.S working at a private camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains of N.C.  The camp was called MISHEMOKWA, . it is owned by Dr and Mrs Smith and in 1991 they were also the resident directors of the camp. The following year at the Camp America Directors Fair [held on the second weekend in february at Kensington Town Hall] I managed to get a place with the

North Carolina 4H system. 4H is an organisation that is operated by the land grant university in each State. As you can see after a 4 year absence I once again returned to Camp Mitchell, this time through the BUNAC Agency. While at Mitchell in '96 and '97 I was hired by Jane Champney to work at her camp. This is a one week camp run by Jacksonville Recreation and parks department.

I strongly suggest that if you have the time and are prepared to work you give camp a try, it is the most rewarding job I have ever had but also one of the hardest. If you are not prepared to live in a cabin with up to 20 kids, get up at 6:30 in the morning this job is not for you.

I have made some really great friends at each of the camps I have worked at, we have laughed together and as in the summer of '92 cried together at the end of the summer.  These are times that will never be forgotten by anyone who has shared them, we may lose touch with each other over the years but the memories made at camp will be with us for the rest of our lives. If anyone who reads these pages was at any of the camps mentioned at the same time as me I would love to hear from you.

 To see more of each camp follow the links.




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