Great Places to Hike
This web page is dedicated to everyone who makes an effort to escape from the choke-hold of civilization and bask in the freedom of the outdoors.
Our goal is to compile information and tips relating to hiking trails all over the country. We are in the process of scanning photos and checking notes to make sure you get up-to-date information. Last update: 11/1/99. This page is under construction. Check back soon!
Visit these great links for all sorts of information:
- The National Park Service website is the place to go for the official word about the amazing adventures that our national park system has to offer.
- Adventure Network offers information on a variety of topics relating to enjoyment of the outdoors. They have information about first aid, camping, fitness, and much more.
- 3rd Marble is a great site if you are getting ready for a trip to the wilderness. They offer all sorts of outdoor gear.
- Adventure Sports has resources for everyone who likes an outdoor adventure.
- Family Outdoors specializes in activities that can bring the whole family together.
- Matt's
Stanford home page!
- Going to be in Southern California anytime soon? Be sure to check out Joshua Tree National Park. The weather is great year-round and the park has a lot to offer. If you want to find out about camping in Joshua Tree use this link, but I would suggest you skip the drive-in camps and head for the backcountry -- you can camp anywhere throughout most of the park, as long as you avoid designated "day use only" areas and make your camp at least a mile from the road and 500 feet (or was it yards? meters?) from the trail. Ask at the ranger station for details. There are several good trails; Indian Cove (on the North side of the park, east of Twentynine Palms) has access to the "Boy Scout" trail which I personally enjoyed.
If you would like to say hello or share information about
any good hiking trails, camping experiences, etc, please
e-mail me at
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