Welcome to my home page, which, to coin a phrase, is under construction.

Now I know I have committed the beginners mistake of loading to many graphics, which means this takes for ever to load, but I just couldnt help myself.
Don't get alarmed if some of the links don't work properly - "Do Not Adjust Your Set". I am still learning all the tricks.

Now in case you haven't guessed already, this is a page primarily inspired by horses. The cute little fellow in the main picture is Khan, who is a three year old TB gelding.
The background picture is of Hit the Jackpot, also a TB, but 11 years old, and a well performed racehorse
now retired to the life of a dressage horse.

If you want to see more pictures of the motley crew Click here

There is some new info there (Feb 98) so worth a visit if you dropped in for a while.



Lot's of Great Graphics and links Donna's Playground
A jumping off spot for the Australian Connection Australian Horse Resources
Cyber Postcards with great equine subjects Sharons Postcards
Another source of my inspiration Kathy's Quarter Horses
An Aussie mate who helped get me started.Lyndall's Page
A great place to chat to other horse besotted soulsHorseland


This is where I got all the lowdown on how to start my web page, but I am not yet a good advertisement.htmlgoodies

Some information about Dungog, the town in which I live. My Town

For all you bush walkers and trail riders, a site about the Australian Bicentennial Trail, which runs from the south coast to the far north coast of Australia. Bicentennial trail

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Lynn Jenkin.

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