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Wildewings Creations


Welcome to my artists view of the beautiful Oregon Coast. I fell in love with the area the first time I saw it. From it's emerald green forest to the rugged cliffs over looking the sandy beaches. I have discovered it's hidden treasures, the many lakes and rivers abundant with fish and wildlife. I would like to share my visions with you.

View of the small town of Lakeside, Oregon 12 Miles north of Coos Bay/North Bend and 9 miles south of Reedsport / Winchester Bay. It is situated between the Ocean and North and South Tenmile Lakes,the emerald green Elliot State Forest and The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. It is a small community of 1700 people.


View of the small town of Lakeside, Oregon 12 Miles north of Coos Bay/North Bend and 9 miles south of Reedsport / Winchester Bay. It is situated between the Ocean and North and South Tenmile Lakes,the emerald green Elliot State Forest and The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. It is a small community of 1700 people.

" Heceta Head Lighthouse"

This is one of several lighthouse oil paintings of mine.
It received a 1st place in the "South Coast Division" of the Coos County Fair before it was sold.I have limited edition prints and cards which I sell at several galleries and stores locally and along the coast as well as though my home.

This beautiful lighthouse 12 miles north of Florence, Oregon is a site visitors will remember for years to come.

The Coquille Lighthouse is located across the Coquille river from Bandon, Oregon.
It is no longer used and after many years of neglect and vandelism is being restored to its glory. It is now open for tours in the summer and serves as a museum.

This is another of my paintings and is called "First Light". It has won several awards including a first place and a Champion at the Coos County Fair South Coast Division.It also received a 2nd place competing with 2 of my other paintings which received the 1st place "Standing Guard and 3rd places "Silent Hunter". A clean sweep of 1st,2nd and 3rd place.It is available as a limited edition print and on note cards by emailing me.

  • "Silent Hunter"
  • " Silent Hunter "was inspired by the many Blue Heron's we see as we are "trolling for Salmon or trout" on the numerous local rivers and lakes. It also has won several awards and is available as a print and on note cards..

  • "Standing Guard"
  • "Standing Guard " has also proven itself taking a first place award in the Spring Coquille Art Association and the Bay Area Art Association Art Show.It was inspired by the geese that fly over our house each morning and our first dates when Armand my husband took me duck and goose hunting at Wister in Southern California near El Centro.These geese are also available as a limited editon print.

  • "Standing Guard", "First Light" and "Silent Hunter" as seen hanging in the Coos Art Gallery and Museum.

    " Spring Bass"

    Spring Bass" has won 1st place awards in every art show it has been entered. It took me 2 years to learn how to catch a bass this size on a spinner bait. He has been sold but is available as a limited edition print and note cards..

    "Bass Dream'in"

    This large bass was a dream come true weighing over 5 lbs. I caught him on a plastic worm on South Tenmile Lake.We had forgotten the camera so I had to paint him as I remembered him. He is available as a limited edition print and note cards
  • "Spring Elk in Velvet"
  • This beautiful elk in velvet antlers lives right in our back yard , well more or less. Only a few miles away there are several Roosevelt Elk herds. He has been sold but he is available in a limited edition print and note cards..


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Contact Information If you would like more information about the galleries and stores where my paintings, prints, note cards or craft projects are being sold contact me by email listed below.



Biographical Information

I was born in the state of Washington and grew up in Idaho. I spent 12 yrs. living on the Arizona Desert. In 1994 I returned to my first love the Pacific Northwest . Armand and I currently live in Lakeside, Oregon surrounded by 3 lakes and the Pacific ocean.

Our Pets...on the deck of our home. We live on the edge of the forest and have many furry and feathered visitors. This is Spunky a young fawn buck. Not all clams are on the ocean beaches. I am digging for Empire or Gaper Clams on the Coos River at low tide. They are down about 1 to 2 foot in the sandy mud. Its a long reach down. But they are so good to eat and worth the hard work. There is even more work to come when its time to clean them. End of the road at our " Pena Paradise"

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Personal Interests

I love to hunt and to fish. We fish for large mouth bass, crappie, bluegill, hybrid striper bass and rainbow and lake trout on Ten Mile Lakes. We also fish for Salmon , Steelhead, Sturgeon, and Shad on our rivers, the Umpqua, Smith, Coos and Millicoma.

I caught these two Chinook Salmon on the Umpqua River near Winchester Bay, Oregon in August 1999. Armand caught this bright Steelhead on the North Fork of the Millicoma River near Coos Bay in the Spring of 1999.

I love to oil paint and putter at various crafts. I make "Sea Shell Angels" from local oyster and gaper shells. I sell them , my paintings and prints as well as other craft items at local stores and galleries on the coast.
..We are both active in local and civic organizations. Armand has served on the Planning Commission for 5 yrs, 3 years as the chairman. I served as President of the Lakeside Women's Club for 3 yrs. and was on the City Budget Committe for 3 yrs. Armand is also currently the Treasurer for the Eel Tenmile Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (STEP). I design membership cards and brochures for both organizations.

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Japanese animae and short stories by my som Jamie and his wife Bridget
Society for medieval fighting.
This store carries my prints, notecards, seashell Angels, and Oregon Products by Nature 's alderwood Gnome furniture. Email them for information. Oh I also work there one day a week.

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April 21, 2000.