Write the
I have decided to block the e-mail as i have started to receive spam in ever increasing numbers.
Also some degenerates have taken to sending viruses. So far they have not been intelligent enough
to write one that could penetrate my protection but it is annoying. It is a shame too. I have received
some great e-males. It is a sign of the times we live in i guess. It seems to breed dishonesty.
Tuesday, Sept.28,2004

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This is a personal site. You will find no banners other then those required by the server. I do not buy anything nor will i sell anything. This is about my personal memories of the better times in my life. It is kind of a way for me to relive some of my life through memory.
Browse if you want.
But primarily, this is for me!
I will try to keep the pages fairly short to cut down on loading times. Some browsers are pretty bad. Including mine.

Kindly keep in mind that as i am not a story teller it is not that well written, Most who read it will not have been alive back then but remember, This is not a work of fiction, It is my life as it happened, everything was real. I know, i was there. I wish that i still could be.

The song now playing "You are my Sunshine" Is a very special one to me. They sang it to me as a baby and i sang it to all my kids when they were small and needed comforting. Mostly at bedtime. Yes, I do miss those days.

January 9,2004
Today i received word that another of my cousins has died, Two days ago my cousin Shirley passed away.
I hadn't seen her in over fifty years but she was part of my family, part of my childhood and i feel a great loss. She lived into her eighty's and died of the same thing that i have, The thing that has killed the last two generations of my family on my Father's side. I have one cousin left, At 79 he is still healthy, He is the only one of us that did not smoke. I pray that he outlive's me, I do not want to be the last.

Feel free to steal anything you want
I can use the Money
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