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Looking for a world class fishery,Well this is the place.The Niagara region is one of the most deverse fisheries in the world.Whats your favorite species?We more then likely have it in size and numbers.You looking for Bass,how about smallies up to 6lbs and a few areas with some nice largemouth too.Got your attention yet.Well ok then how about Walleyes averging 7lbs with 12pounders not a rareity but the norm.Still looking for more,Well how about a world class salmon and trout fishery as well.Chinooks over 20lbs,lakers over 20,rainbows over 12 and some huge browns thrown in for good measure.But wait there's more,Don't forget the great Muskie fishing in the upper river.We may not have a world record fish out there,but the quantity of Muskie makes up for it.With lots of fish in the 10-20lbs class.Still not satisfied well there still is channel cats,jumbo perch,slab crappiesand pike.Ok now wipe off the drool and lets look at the HOW WHEN AND WHERES.For now we will look just at BASS with more added later


Smallies are spread all over the region.With good catches from Lake Erie through to Lake Ontario.While action can be good all year if you want to come for the true giants the fall season is the time for smallies.From sept.through oct. are tops and presure is very light.With the salmon run taking most locals away from this hot action.Lake Erie holds some true monster smallies with 6lbs+ fish taken.Lots of care must be taken on Erie.It's a shallow body of water,A light wind can bring on huge swells.Check the weather before going out.There are many shoals amd humps in the lake most holding smallies.For a bit safer water the Niagara River can be hot.In the upper river smallies can be found all along the shoreline.Some shoals and around Navy Island is a hot spot as well as the limestone flats between the Peace Bridge and the old rail bridge.The lower Niagara is a bit different.From the Falls to Queenston the river rages through the Niagara Gorge.This makes boating impossible,but the shore angler can have great luck.Starting from the bay by the Maid of the Mist dock,This spot always produces early in the morning and nothing beats the view.Standing across river from the falls as the sun rises over it and a big smallie on your line will stick in your mind for a life time.As you follow the river down stream there are many small bays and back eddy which all can produce good catches.

From Queenston to Lake Ontario the river opens up and slows.Now the boating angler can get back into the action.The shoreline drops off quickly here from a couple feet to 25ft.The best thing to try here is a drifting technique.I like drifting a carolina rig with a tube or plastic worm.For tubes start by trying a smoke colour this will be your start and finish colour 90% of the time.For worms Tequella Sunrise is always my colour of choice.Somedays others will work well,but as a rule these to baits will catch you fish almost everyday.Try drifting close to shore covering the depths of the break till you find the fish then keep working that depth.When you reach the mouth of the river,There is a large point at the mouth.It runs from a few feet out to about 30 feet then drops off into deep water.Here try the one two punch of tubes and jerk baits.Don't be afraid to try real shallow,On somedays the smallies will be up in a couple feet of water around the many boulders and rocks.When they are there jerk baits shine,These fish are ready to feed work your bait as fast as you can.The action can be hot and fast,but you never know how long it will last.So enjoy it while you can,if the shallow bit dies off start working out with jerk baits and tubes.The water is very clear and the jerk bait will produce in water up to 20ft.I've had many fish come out of deep water to smash a jerk bait here.


Largemouth Bass

Due to the popularity of smallmouth around here the Largemouth fishery is often over looked.But they are many good spots for good large mouth catches.They are not as widely spread as smallmouth,but concentrations can be found around tributaries of the upper river.The best pick on the upper is the Chippawa creek,which is more a river then a creek.It's divided into two parts,the lower end from the mouth upto the hydro canal intakes.The river has been dredged making the water flow upstream.The water here is the clear cool water of the Niagara river.The shore drops of quick,but the shore has a lot of cover on it from docks,tree falls and overhanging willows.Working spinner baits and flipping works well here.Boat control can be hard here the current is fast.A good electric bowmount is really needed here to stay on the fish.The upper section is a slow moving of coloured and shallow.Here you will find many reeds,stumps,falldowns and overhanging cover.With the water color being dark try working loud baits and chartruse is the best bet.I like working rattle baits and spinner baits with oversized blades.

Now my favorite hot spot would be Jordon harbor.It's a large creek mouth off lake Ontario.For a few years boat acsess was very limited forcing a long ride down the lake.So the affect was very light pressure for years,now with a marina on the lake right at the mouth access is easy and the fishing can be great.Due to the light pressure for years size and numbers are up.There's good fishing through out the whole inner bay.But the back end near the old train bridge abbutments can be real hot.The water is dark so chartruse rules.Running spinner baits along the abutment almost always brings in a few good fish.As well as the shore is loaded with structure for tossing spinnerbaits or flipping can also shine.The harbor also has huge lilypad flats that can produce well also.

So if you ever get the chance to visit the Niagara region don't forget your rod.But be ready for maybe your best fishing experience of your life.The combination of the sights the sounds and the fish can't be match by many places in the whole world.

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