Welcome to Chuckie's Page
It's the cheesiest!
You are entering my electronic outpost.
Lasciate Ogni Speranza Voi Che Entrate.
Our sponsor:
Favorite Activities
- Watching The Giants and  the Raiders win
- Flying
- Backcountry Hiking
- Scottish Therapy
Favorite Links! (Like you really care)
My Teams
  S.F Giants
- 2002 NL Champions
Oakland Raiders
- 2003 AFC Champions

My Work

-More than a website - it's a paycheck.

My Town

Oakland, CA

My Neighborhood

- my NIMBY neighbors.

My Family


Ryan's Home Repair
Places I've lived
San Rafael
Terra Linda High School

Santa Barbara

Bordeaux, France

Universite de Bordeaux III
SPA de Bordeaux

Vail, Colorado
The Big Mountain
The Beave

San Francisco

- Cow Hollow
- The Mission
- Noe Valley

f you send SPAM or chain letters, I will hunt you  down and make you sorry.