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The Rover section of the Scout movement are young people aged 18 to 26. To be a Rover you don't have to have been a member of Scouts or Guides before.
When you take the plunge and become a Rover you embark on a new and exciting path that will provide you with new challenges, the chance to make new skills, meet new people and above all -- Have FUN!
Rovers participate in a range of activites and each crew is different, tailoring its activites to the requirements of its members. On the social side you will be mixing with other young adults who enjoy the same things that you do.
Regular events organised for all Victorian Rovers (and some from interstate!) are many and varied. These included Surfmoot at nearby Anglesea on Australia Day weekend; Mudbash at Mafeking Rover Park, Yea; Buggy Bash at Rokewood and M.A.R.B (Melbourne Area Rover Ball), which is organised by one of three Melbourne Regions - this year it was Hoadley Region's turn.
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This page has been created as part of the B. P. Award Scheme by Nathan Anderson,
Where are we?
R. V. Moon Rover Crew meets Friday Nights from 8.30pm at the Newtown/West Geelong Scout Hall at the rear of Bakers Oval, John Street, Geelong West.
More Infomation
If you would like more information about Rovers or our crew then send us E-mail or if you rather, you can send us "Snail Mail" at:
R. V. Moon Rover Crew
P. O. Box 1555
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This page was last updated on 14 October 1998.
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