My home site

Updated 24/01/04


Welcome to my home site.  I use these pages to post my hill walking photos and as a starting point for searching  the web.

Please feel free to wander around.  You can contact me by email at:- or by ICQ using the panel below.

Thanks for dropping by, don't forget to sign my guestbook or visit my feedback page. 





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I transformed my loft into a room, pop in and have a look, I took a few pics of the progress, or lack of it! 

GSF600S Bandit 

Suzuki Bandit GSF600S

GSF600S Bandit

Well folks, here's my new toy!


GSF600S Bandit

Got it 28/9/00

Crib Goch Wales

My ICQ Online-Message Panel
Contact me by ICQ - my number is - 9545165
What's your name?:
Give me your E-Mail so I can contact you:

Leave me a message or click on the E-mail icon to send me an E-mail:
eamail.gif (25432 bytes)

My Personal Communication Center  
Spring Snowfield