Hello there!!
Welcome to the Iowa Carp Anglers Association homepage. We are a group of guys and
gals dedicated to fishing for the world’s most underrated sport fish: carp.
Carp!?! Yep, that’s right. Carp. They are some of the smartest fish alive. They
are finicky eaters, easily spooked, and not easy to get into the boat or onto shore. There
is no other freshwater fish in the world that fights like a carp. While people everywhere
worship bass anglers who catch seven pound bass as gods, we look at a seven pound carp
and think, “eh, average.”
“Anyone can catch a carp.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have heard that before. If you
believe that, then just ask anyone of the ten tournament goers this year that came up with
Carp have long been the sport fish of the European and African nations.
Unfortunately, the anglers of the United States have never highly regarded this fish,
normally being called a “trash fish.” Many fishermen have caught carp and threw them
up on the banks to die. This is slowly starting to change. With the help of groups like
Carp Net, Carp Anglers Group (CAG), and other carp groups, carp fishing is starting to
catch on here in the States. Promotion is also starting to increase through tournaments.
Every time a new angler hooks into a ten pound carp...that’s another carp angler hooked.
On a personal note I would like to apologize to everyone out there who has been
waiting patiently (or impatiently) for this page to be updated. I know I promised this
done a long time ago, and I failed. But have faith, I am going to try and do better. Kevin
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since May 5, 1999