Join the new Caver Mail List !!!
Tom White has started a Texas Caver Mail List. A mail list is an
automatic E:Mail forwarder ... you send a message to the mail list and
it sends it to rest of the members! Mail lists are great tools to
communicate quickly with a large group of people. I encourage all Texas
cavers on the internet to join. It’s a quick simple way to keep in touch
with the rest of the cavers in Texas.
The list is for the use and enjoyment of all folks who are interested in
Texas caving. Some message topics might be ....
Meeting and trip announcements
Trip reports
Cave geology/biology
Social activities
Caving gear for sale/want to buy
Anecdotes and tall tales
Just send an E:Mail to ...
don’t enter a
subject ... in the body of the message enter ‘subscribe cavetex’.
Read the current and back issues of "The OZTOTL Caver !!
The Current issue.
The April issue.
The March issue.
The February issue.
The January 1998 issue.
The June issue.
The May issue.
DFW Grotto Happenings and Hijinx
"Trip Reports"
Click below for a Photo Page of some of our Grotto Activities and Trips.
Photos from Down Under.
Goin' caving in Mexico? Check out this helpful link courtesy of the TSA, gringo!
Maps, border crossing info, and various caca!
Other Texas Caving Clubs and Related Associations.
Grotto Info.
Relevant Cave-related Information
The Texas Caver $25/year U.T. Station, Box 8026, Austin, TX, 78713-8026
Texas Speleological Assoc. TSA, U.T. Station, Box 8026, Austin, TX, 78713-8026
National Speleological Society $30/year NSS, Cave Avenue, Huntsville, Al, 35810
Texas Cave Management Assoc. Regular- $100 Payable in (4) $25 installments
TCMA, P.O. Box 202853, Austin, Tx, 78720-2853

Troop 67 of Northside Baptist Church of Mesquite.
Pack 855 Cub Scouts of Mesquite, TX

The Homepage for TSA.

The homepage for the National Speleological Society.
Texas Speleological Survey Home Page
Texas Cave Management Association Home Page
Bat Conservation International Home Page. Lots of info on these beneficial animals and cool freebies!

Permian Basin Speleological Society Homepage

The Virtual Cave is a site with great pictures of some
of the best formations in the world.
The Self-Rescue Group's Homepage done by Cindy Heazlit.
Check it out and learn something! (I did!).
An excellent caving homepage and the BEST one I have seen!.
Check out the superb Lechuguilla Photo Gallery Tour. Highly enjoyable!!
Other Texas Caving Clubs and related info.
The North American Bat Conservation Partnership.
The Maverick Grotto (Ft. Worth, TX a.k.a. "Cowtown"!
The Backyard Bat Page
Lots of good info as well as FREE bathouse plans and tips!
The Random Caving Link Directory
Lots of good info and various cave-related webpages.

This page is maintained by Mark Alman, Grotto Editor, Quartermaster, Librarian and SPAM Connosieur. Space was donated by GeoCities! © 2006.
Like to drop us a rope? Write us at:
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