Pat's Home Page

Thanks to Freeserve for providing the internet connection and the web space for this. There is a US mirror of the canoe stuff at Geocities .

Baby Pictures

Penny and I had a baby girl - Catherine - on the 8 June 1999 at 4.23am. There are various pictures of her in the album here.

Pat's Canoe Guide

I have written whitewater canoeing guides for the French Alps and for Corsica. The canoe stuff is all here.


This is where is publish any potentially useful program I might have produced. most of these are written for Linux but one or two are more generally applicable. All these programs are published under the GNU General Public License

These pages are maintained by Pat Thoyts. You can find out about me on my contact page.

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Last modified: Thu Feb 15 23:40:12 2001