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The Pack
Hi, I'm Wolfdancer. Welcome to my den. I have a wide variety of interests which mainly include nature, wolves, mountains, wild animals, and Native Americans and their history. I would love to hear from anyone that share the same interests as I. Please go to the top of the page and click on My Guestbook and sign it while you are here, and drop me an e-mail if you like. I will respond to any e-mails I receive. Thanks. I will also visit any sites left in my guestbook. Dance with the Wolves! Wolfdancer

"At last I caught what I was listening for, the long drawn howl from over the hills, A sound that was wilderness music... something as free and untamed as there is on Earth". Howling Wolf


For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please write Monty Sloan / Wolf Park Wolf Park Logo



dark_bullet AlyeskaWolfsong, poems, beautiful pictures. This is a beautiful site.

dark_bullet UrsaWolves and poems, this is a really neat site.

ApolloClick on the picture to send me an e-mail.

Click on the picture below to go to the next page and see more pictures and links. Thanks for visiting.



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