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BSA Troop 1154 Home Page

Welcome to the Troop 1154 Home Page. The troop was formed in 1981, and belongs to the Flaming Arrow District of the Sam Houston Area Council in Southeast Texas. SHAC is the largest Boy Scout Council in the United States.

Our meetings take place every Monday at 7:00PM at the Atascocita Trails Recreation Center in Atascocita, Texas. We're chartered by Calvary Christian Fellowship Church in Kingwood.

We celebrated our 25th year of Scouting excellence in 2007, and recently added the forty-ninth Eagle Scout to our roster. We're proud of that and would like to invite you to join us to continue the tradition.

The links below will help you navigate the site.

Contact us at

Troop 1154 Scoutmasters

The Eagle's Nest

Troop 1154 Activities

The SPL's Corner

Sam Houston Area Council

Scouting Links

Bark Mulch Order Form This is our annual fundraiser.

This site was updated on February 11, 2009. Stay tuned for more updates..

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