Green Mountain Orienteering Club

" Get lost in the Green "

last updated 04/04/09

GMOC Event Schedule- Check out the Schedule, get driving directions and check out the COURSE MAPS!!
Event Results- See how well you did and show your friends.

Get linked to Other "O" Clubs!!

Up North Orienteers (Serves NH) New England Orienteering Club (MA, RI, and CT)
Cambridge Sports Union (MA, NH) Orienteering Maine (ME)
Adirondack Orienteering Club Orienteering Quebec
Hudson Valley O Central NY O
Empire O Club US MIlitary O Club
Delaware Valley O Association Susquehanna Valley O club
Quantico O Club
USA Orienteering Clubs U.S. Orienteering Federation
Global O Links

Other "O" sites
Learn about orienteering - a nice tutorial site Orienteering and Rogaining Home Page
How to use a compass How to read clue symbols
Orienteering with kids Orienteering Supplies
Orienteering mapping software Canoe O - Yes, even in canoes!

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The G.M.O.C.
The Green Mountain Orienteering Club is a group of individuals and families interested in promoting the sport of orienteering. Orienteering involves the use of a map and compass to find your way through a course in the woods. At every control point there is a marker and a punch to prove you were there. Newcomers are always welcome and instruction is provided. Just come to any event scheduled or contact:
Jim Howley at 862-3170 or
41 McIntosh Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403 for more information.

For information e-mail us:

President: Jim Howley
Treasurer: Carl Childs
Web Master: Paul Schmidt

or write to: G.M.O.C. 41 McIntosh Avenue South Burlington, VT. 05403

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