Home Page

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Ding Gao, Xiaomin Kang, Jile

Welcome to our Home Page!

Hi, our friends!?We are glad that you finally arrived in our NY home. Welcome and enjoy our home page! We know that you've been come a long, long way from China, Japan, Holland, the United States, New Zealand and other places of world.?We hope this page will link us altogether from all over the world indeed.?Lets share our life and experience by making more contact to each other!

Please make sure to leave your comment and contact us.

We will set up a guest page soon and we are sure you will have a lot of surprise by finding your old-time friends through our page.


Family Photoes in Vancouver & New York

Xiaomin's Galary

Fudan University Alumni Album

Photoes Page of Ding Gao

Contact us

Will Available Soon:

This page is last modified on Dec. 27, 2006

Contact us: dinggao@hotmail.com

Address: 17 Cambridge Street, Deer Park, NY